这一年,Tableau Mobile进一步扩大了Tableau的产品线,而且社区发展进一步壮大,第四届Tableau客户年度大会 (#TCC11) ,吸引了1400位参加者,同年,第一届欧洲年度大会(1st Annual European Conference)举办。 少年,已经长大。 2012年·企业级产品大成长 V7.0版本重点在服务器版本推出了一系列关键功能,特别是数据服务器(data...
Mobile business intelligence enables any user to make decisions no matter where they are. We’re no longer shackled to our desks; we’re on the go, visiting customers, traveling, or walking the shop floor. At Tableau, we knew our approach to mobile had to be different from those of tradi...
Mobile business intelligence enables any user to make decisions no matter where they are. We’re no longer shackled to our desks; we’re on the go, visiting customers, traveling, or walking the shop floor. At Tableau, we knew our approach to mobile had to be different from those of tradi...
即便不在办公桌前,也可及时做出决策。Tableau Mobile 让您轻松获得所需的答案。Tableau 会自动创建针对移动设备优化的仪表板布局;您只需轻触按钮即可查看,筛选和向下钻取。利用唾手可得的见解,您可以做出数据驱动型决策,更快地提升业务成效。 随时随地掌握数据。在经过甄选并且具有一致性的视图中查看最重要的 KPI,及时...
BI是商业智能(Business Intelligence) 今天我带大家先来认识一下Tableau。 Tableau家族产品包括Tableau Desktop、Tableau Server、Tableauonline、Tableau Public 和 Tableau Reader。 https://www.tableau.com/zh-cn/products 1、Tableau Desktop Tableau Desktop是一款桌面端分析工具, ...
Mobile business intelligence enables any user to make decisions no matter where they are. We’re no longer shackled to our desks; we’re on the go, visiting customers, traveling, or walking the shop floor. With Tableau, any workbook you create is automatically mobile-enabled when accessed from...
Tableau can help anyone see and understand their data. Connect to almost any database, drag and drop to create visualizations, and share with a click.
Business intelligence platforms should adapt to current technology and the innovation of their users. You should choose a platform that can easily scale as your company grows. At Tableau, we understand that business realities are constantly evolving, and we watch out for upcoming trends in business...
1、tableau Tableau: Business Intelligence and Analytics Softwarewww.tableau.com/ Tableau我更倾向于...
Tableau can help anyone see and understand their data. Connect to almost any database, drag and drop to create visualizations, and share with a click.