Tableau 連續 12 年蟬聯 Gartner®️ Magic Quadrant™️ 領導者。 在企業上下提供可信任資料極為重要。歡迎閱讀 Gartner®️ Magic Quadrant™️ 報告,瞭解 Tableau 如何應用 AI 徹底改變人們運用資料及根據資料採取行動的方式。 取得報告 Try Tableau for free ...
Tableau is a 12x Gartner®️ Magic Quadrant™️ Leader. Delivering trusted data across your business is essential. Read the Gartner®️ Magic Quadrant™️ report and learn how Tableau is using AI to reinvent how people consume and act on data. ...
Business intelligence story Go beyond simple questions We all have questions that we want answered. The good news is Tableau is easy enough for any Excel user to learn, but powerful enough to tackle even the most complex problems. With Tableau’s intuitive interface, the user stays in the ...
Tableau can help anyone see and understand their data. Connect to almost any database, drag and drop to create visualizations, and share with a click.
We believe data analysis should be about asking questions and not about learning software. With built-in visual best practices, Tableau provides limitless data exploration without interrupting your flow of analysis. That’s why people love using Tableau. Explore our Products Your partner to build a...
Tableau can help anyone see and understand their data. Connect to almost any database, drag and drop to create visualizations, and share with a click.
Business intelligence (BI) is the use of software to combine business analytics, data mining, data visualisation, data tools and infrastructure, and best practices to help organisations to make more data-driven decisions. In practice, you know you’ve got modern business intelligence when you have...
适合贵组织的平台应该使每个人(无论技能水平如何)都能够与他们的数据进行对话并利用相关见解。通过让数据在每个人的业务决策过程中发挥核心作用,它可以帮助组织培养数据文化。 为了最大化数据的价值,您需要大规模部署受管控的自助式分析。要在整个企业提升用户能力,您需要业务部门欢迎、IT 部门信赖的分析工具。 理想的...
1、tableau Tableau: Business Intelligence and Analytics Tableau我更倾向于...
Harness the power of your data. Unleash the potential of your people. Choose the analytics platform that disrupted the world of business intelligence. Choose Tableau.