T3期肾细胞癌(Renal cell carcinoma,RCC)指肿瘤侵犯肾周围组织和/或侵犯主动脉或静脉,静脉癌栓是一种严重且具有预后不良的情况。因此,对于T3期RCC患者预后的评估非常重要。影像学检查是评估T3期肾细胞癌伴静脉癌栓预后的一个有效工具。本文旨在探讨影像学检查对T3期肾细胞癌伴静脉癌栓预后评估的研究进展。 2.影像...
Does stage T3a renal cell carcinoma embrace a homogeneous group of patients? J Urol. 2007; 177 :1682–1686.Gofrit ON, Shapiro A, Pizov G, et al. Does stage T3a renal cell carcinoma embrace a homogeneous group of patients? J Urol 2007; 177:1682-6....
基于形态学的肾肿瘤评分系统预测肾细胞癌术后的病理性T3升级(A morphology-based nephrometry score to predict pathological upstaging to T3 renal cell carcinoma) 内容亮点 临床分期为 T1-2 (cT1-2)的肾细胞癌如若在术后发生病理性 T3(pT3)升级,其生存预后要显著差于未发生病理升级的患者。本研究针对这一问...
RENAL cell carcinomaGENERAL practitionersPATIENTSOBJECTIVE To report the functional and oncological outcome of nephron-sparing surgery (NSS) for pathological stage pT3bNxMx (2002 Tumour-Node-Metastasis staging) renal cell carcinoma (RCC) with tumour thrombus confined to th...
参考文献: [1]ShahPH,LyonTD,LohseCM,etal.Prognosticevaluationofperinephricfat,renalsinusfat,andrenalveininvasionforpatientswithpathologicalstageT3aclear-cellrenalcellcarcinoma.BJUInt.2018Aug16.
PURPOSE: The perioperative and oncological outcomes of laparoscopic radical nephrectomy (LRN) for T1-T2 renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are well established. We aim to determine whether LRN is a comparable alternative to open radical nephrectomy (ORN) in the treatment of T3 RCC using a matched pair ...
ʌ摘要ɔ㊀目的㊀对比分析两种手术方式治疗T3期肾癌的临床效果ꎮ方法㊀选择2015年1月 2018 年3月本院收治的80例T3期肾癌患者作为研究对象ꎬ随机分为观察组(腹腔镜根治术)和对照组(开放 根治术)各40例ꎮ比较两组患者的手术切口大小㊁手术时间㊁术中出血量㊁术后恢复情况㊁术后...
Multicenter comparison of outcomes for clinical and pathologic T3a renal cell carcinomadoi:10.1016/S2666-1683(20)33901-XBradshaw A.Uzzo R.G.Capitanio U.Lane B.Patil D.Saito K.Ghali F.Kutikov A.Larcher A.Noyes S.European Urology Open Science...
目的:探讨MSCT 3期增强扫描诊断肾透明细胞癌(clear cell renal cell carcinoma,cc RCC)术前T分期的准确性及其影响因素.方法:回顾性分析经手术病理证实的110例cc RCC患者术前MSCT 3期增强扫描资料,依据2010版TNM分期标准判断术前T分期并评价其诊断效能,分析与T分期相关的肾包膜,肾静脉和(或)下腔静脉,肾周和(或...
A is a highly hydrophobic channel-forming ion carrier that forms monovalent cation-permeable channels in artificial membranes.Gramicidin A induces the degradation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1 alpha) and reduces the growth of a mouse xenograft model of human renal cell carcinoma. Gramic...