在Nat. Genetics,Nat. Plants,Genome Biol.,Mol. Plant,Sci. Advances,PNAS,Nat. Commun.,Nucleic Acids Res.等国际权威及知名杂志发表SCI论文一百余篇,引用8900余次。担任国际期刊Front Plant Sci.中Plant Bioinformatics主编及国内核心期刊《基因组学与应用生物学》执行主编。
[6] Jatinder Singh, Santosh Gudi, et, al. Genomes of Aegilops umbellulata provide new insights into unique structural variations and genetic diversity in the U-genome for wheat improvement [J].Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2024, 22(12):3505-3519. [7] Shilong Zhang, Ning Xu, et, al. Compa...
主导了多种农作物及园艺植物基因组解析,建立了作物及病原微生物代谢网络及蛋白互作网络,构建了多种植物多组学生物信息数据库。在Nat. Genetics,Nat. Plants,Genome Biol.,Mol. Plant,Sci. Advances,PNAS,Nat. Commun.,Nucleic Acids Res.等国际权威及知名杂志发表SCI论文一百余篇,引用8900余次。担任国际期刊Front ...
迄今为止,已发表的有关植物T2T基因组的文章已有几十篇,并且仍在迅速增长,T2T基因组已经成为基因组学研究的重要基础。图1 代表性植物T2T基因组及应用Figure 1 Representative plant T2T genomes and their applicationsT2T基因组的构建及质量评估随着测序技术的进步,各种组装软件也迅速发展。针对HiFi数据和超长ONT数据开发...
近日,北京大学现代农业研究院李博生研究员实验室在Molecular Plant在线发表了题为Nanopore Ultra-long Sequencing and Adaptive Sampling Spur Plant Complete Telomere-to-Telomere Genome Assembly的研究论文,该研究提供了基于牛津纳米孔平台(Oxford Nanopore Technology)实施超长DNA测序(N50 length > 100 Kb)和选择性测序(...
1221-1231. doi:10.1038/s41588-023-01419-6【5】Zheng H, Wang B, Hua X, et al. A near-complete genome assembly of the allotetrapolyploid Cenchrus fungigraminus (JUJUNCAO) provides insights into its evolution and C4 photosynthesis. Plant Commun. 2023;4(5):100633. doi:10.1016/j.xplc....
Garg V, Bohra A, Mascher M, et al. Unlocking plant genetics with telomere-to-telomere genome assemblies. Nat Genet. 202456(9):1788-1799. Li G, Tang L, He Y, et al. The haplotype-resolved T2T reference genome highlights structural variation underlying agronomic traits of melon. Hortic Res...
Garg V, Bohra A, Mascher M, et al. Unlocking plant genetics with telomere-to-telomere genome assemblies. Nat Genet. 202456(9):1788-1799. Li G, Tang L, He Y, et al. The haplotype-resolved T2T reference genome highlights structural variation underlying agronomic traits of melon. Hortic Res...
Garg V, Bohra A, Mascher M, et al. Unlocking plant genetics with telomere-to-telomere genome assemblies. Nat Genet. 202456(9):1788-1799. Li G, Tang L, He Y, et al. The haplotype-resolved T2T reference genome highlights structural variation underlying agronomic traits of melon. Hortic Res...
图1 代表性植物T2T基因组及应用Figure 1 Representative plant T2T genomes and their applicationsT2T基因组的构建及质量评估随着测序技术的进步,各种组装软件也迅速发展。针对HiFi数据和超长ONT数据开发的Hifiasm和Verkko等软件,都表现出了良好的T2T基因...