$ make sdk all This may take a while (~1h30), so consider getting yourself a cup, a glass or a bottle of your favorite beverage ;-) Note: you will need to have access to the network, since buildroot will download the package sources. Result of the build After building, you should ...
Re: T113 longan SDK适配T113S4卡optee skrlaoshiren 说: 小正太写过tina适配t113s4的教程,卡optee直接把optee关了就行https://www.gloomyghost.com/live/20230313.aspx有的问题在awol上搜一下也可以找到https://bbs.aw-ol.com/ 我看到过这个帖子,也尝试了一下,但是内核会崩溃(can总线导致),内核关闭can才...
Re: T113 longan SDK适配T113S4卡optee skrlaoshiren 说: 小正太写过tina适配t113s4的教程,卡optee直接把optee关了就行https://www.gloomyghost.com/live/20230313.aspx有的问题在awol上搜一下也可以找到https://bbs.aw-ol.com/ 我看到过这个帖子,也尝试了一下,但是内核会崩溃(can总线导致),内核关闭can才...