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Define Turet syndrome. Turet syndrome synonyms, Turet syndrome pronunciation, Turet syndrome translation, English dictionary definition of Turet syndrome. or Tou·rette's syndrome n. A neurological disorder characterized by multiple motor and vocal tics,
Dhat syndrome is a widely recognized clinical condition often seen on the Indian subcontinent that is characterized by a preoccupation with semen loss in urine and other symptoms such as fatigue or depressed mood. Although it has been considered to be a culture-bound syndrome, it may also be ...
48 consecutive male patients of potency disorders were examined and classified as 'Dhat' syndrome, impotence or premature ejaculation. The age range of these cases was found as 20-38 years (mean 23.5 +/- 3.3 years) while age of onset was 16-24 years (mean 20.6 +/- 4.5 years). Majority...
布鲁姆综合征(BSyn)是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传疾病,其特征是身材矮小,与阳光暴晒有关的皮疹,以及从幼年开始罹患各种癌症的可能性增高。癌症是导致布鲁姆综合征患者死亡的主要原因,其早期发病导致平均寿命小于30岁。 症状 患有布鲁姆综合症的患者可能经历:1、体型和外观受影...
1.Mutation and gender-specific risk in type 2 long QT syndrome: implications for risk stratification for life-threatening cardiac events in patients with long QT syndrome. and spring 机译:2型长QT综合征的突变和性别特异性风险:长QT综合征患者威胁生命的心脏事件的风险分层的意义。 Migdalovich D ,Mos...
Fifty consequetive patients of male potency disorders were examined and classified as Dhat Syndrome, Impotence or Premature ejaculation depending on definition laid down for these. Dhat syndrome has been found predominantly in young adults. Thirty one patients (62%) complained of Dhat as a major ...
Dhat syndrome is described as a culture bound syndrome (CBS). There is an ongoing debate on the nosological status of CBS. Dhat syndrome has been found to be prevalent in different geographical regions of the world. It has been described in literature from China, Europe, Americas, and Rus...
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