在SELECT查询中执行存储过程的一种常见方法是使用INSERT EXEC语句。 INSERT EXEC语句允许将存储过程的结果插入到表中。以下是使用INSERT EXEC语句在SELECT查询中执行存储过程的示例: 代码语言:sql 复制 CREATETABLE#tempTable (Column1INT,Column2VARCHAR(50))INSERTINTO#tempTableEXECYourStoredProcedureName@Parameter1='V...
INSERT...EXEC... 该语句可将存储过程或动态SQL处理的结果集插入到目标表中,句式: INSERTINTOtarget_table(field1[,field2])EXECstored_procedure; UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE是标准SQL语句,用于更行表中的行,句式: UPDATEtarget_tableSETfield1[,field2]WHERE... UPDATE操作不是幂等的,我们可以借助事务来防止误操作:...
更确切的说,表变量可以被当成正常的表或者表表达式一样在SELECT,DELETE,UPDATE,INSERT语句中使用,但是表变量不能在类似"SELECT select_list INTO table_variable"这样的语句中使用。而在SQL Server2000中,表变量也不能用于INSERT INTO table_variable EXEC stored_procedure这样的语句中。 表变量不能做如下事情: 虽然...
INTO target_table FROM raw_table; 目标表的结构和数据是基于源表的,但,不会从源表复制:约束、索引、触发器和权限。 INSERT...EXEC... 该语句可将存储过程或动态SQL处理的结果集插入到目标表中,句式: 代码语言:txt 复制 INSERT INTO target_table(field1[,field2]) EXEC stored_procedure; UPDATE UPDATE U...
SELECT,DELETE,UPDATE,INSERT语句中使⽤,但是表变量不能在类似"SELECT select_list INTO table_variable"这样的语句中使⽤。⽽在SQL Server2000中,表变量也不能⽤于INSERT INTO table_variable EXEC stored_procedure这样的语句中。 表变量不能做如下事情:1. 虽然表变量是⼀个变量,但是其不能赋值给另...
更确切的说,表变量可以被当成正常的表或者表表达式一样在SELECT,DELETE,UPDATE,INSERT语句中使用,但是表变量不能在类似"SELECT select_list INTO table_variable"这样的语句中使用。而在SQL Server2000中,表变量也不能用于INSERT INTO table_variable EXEC stored_procedure这样的语句中。
EXEC pr__SYS_MakeUpdateRecordProc 'Order_Details' Running the design-time procedure will produce the T-SQL script shown in Figure 1 as output. When this T-SQL script is run, it creates a new Update stored procedure for the Order_Details table. All columns are accounted for as parameters...
I created a script fillCheckRank and a stored procedure spu_testRecursion. The script creates and loads table checkRank with relatively random data (see CreateCheckRank.sql in theDownload file), but the stored procedure (see Listing 1) is more complex and uses a recursive algorithm, nested p...
exec(@sql2) Anonymous October 25, 2005 Improved version with a drop table... set nocount on create table #m(E1 varchar(30), P1 int, V1 varchar(255)) insert into #m(E1,P1,V1) exec('DBCC INPUTBUFFER (@@spid) WITH NO_INFOMSGS') ...
This stored procedure removes all replication objects on the publication database on the Publisher instance of SQL Server, or on the subscription database on the Subscriber instance of SQL Server. Execute sp_removedbreplication in the appropriate database, or, if the execution is in...