在SELECT查询中执行存储过程的一种常见方法是使用INSERT EXEC语句。 INSERT EXEC语句允许将存储过程的结果插入到表中。以下是使用INSERT EXEC语句在SELECT查询中执行存储过程的示例: 代码语言:sql 复制 CREATETABLE#tempTable (Column1INT,Column2VARCHAR(50))INSERTINTO#tempTableEXECYourStoredProcedureName@Parameter1='V...
INSERTINTOtarget_table(field1[,field2])EXECstored_procedure; UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE是标准SQL语句,用于更行表中的行,句式: UPDATEtarget_tableSETfield1[,field2]WHERE... UPDATE操作不是幂等的,我们可以借助事务来防止误操作: BEGINTRANUPDATE...ROLLBACK--or COMMIT SQL中有all-at-once operations(同时操作)...
更确切的说,表变量可以被当成正常的表或者表表达式一样在SELECT,DELETE,UPDATE,INSERT语句中使用,但是表变量不能在类似"SELECT select_list INTO table_variable"这样的语句中使用。而在SQL Server2000中,表变量也不能用于INSERT INTO table_variable EXEC stored_procedure这样的语句中。 表变量不能做如下事情: 虽然...
-- 创建存储过程 CREATE PROCEDURE InsertXMLData AS BEGIN -- 声明变量来存储生成的XML DECLARE @XMLData XML -- 构建XML SET @XMLData = ( SELECT Column1, Column2 FROM YourTable FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS ) -- 执行插入操作 INSERT INTO YourTableXMLData (XMLColumn) VALUES (@XMLData) END 上述...
更确切的说,表变量可以被当成正常的表或者表表达式一样在SELECT,DELETE,UPDATE,INSERT语句中使用,但是表变量不能在类似"SELECT select_list INTO table_variable"这样的语句中使用。而在SQL Server2000中,表变量也不能用于INSERT INTO table_variable EXEC stored_procedure这样的语句中。
INSERT INTO tb_user VALUES(@max_id+1,@username); END; END; GO --调用,可选用下列任一方式执行 exec usp_useradd_MS 'Mike' exec usp_useradd_MS @username='John' --验证结果 SELECT * FROM tb_user; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
EXEC pr__SYS_MakeUpdateRecordProc 'Order_Details' Running the design-time procedure will produce the T-SQL script shown in Figure 1 as output. When this T-SQL script is run, it creates a new Update stored procedure for the Order_Details table. All columns are accounted for as parameters...
NewID() has the same advantage as seeded random: It's evaluated once per row, so "random" values can be assigned to each row in a table in a single query. However, it's evaluatedby the operating system, not T-SQL. In addition, while unique identifiers can be ordered, the comparison...
In SQL 2000, a user with db_ddladmin, db_datareader and db_datawriter can create a stored procedure and execute it. But in SQL 2005, a user with the same database roles can create a stored procedute but gets the error when executing the procedure....
For this reason, when working with @@ERROR, it's important to capture the error number into a variable as soon as it's raised, and then continue processing with the variable.Look at the following code that demonstrates this:SQL Copy ...