SQL SERVER 跳出 while 循环 # SQL Server 跳出 WHILE 循环的技巧 在SQL Server中,WHILE循环是一种常用的控制结构,可以帮助我们重复执行某些操作,直到满足特定条件。一些情况下,我们可能需要提前结束这个循环。这就需要用到`BREAK`语句。在本文中,我们将深入探讨WHILE循环的使用,并通过代码示例展示如何有效地跳出循环...
Using GOTO allows you to jump directly out of the loop or bypass certain conditions that would otherwise require multiple IF or BREAK statements. DECLARE @OuterCounter INT = 1, @InnerCounter INT; WHILE @OuterCounter <= 3 BEGIN SET @InnerCounter = 1; WHILE @InnerCounter <= 3 BEGIN IF @...
@jsoncollateSQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin);--next delimited stringIF@start=0BREAK--no more so drop through the WHILE loopIFSUBSTRING(@json,@start+1,1)='"'BEGIN--Delimited NameSET@start=@Start+1;SET@end=PATINDEX('%[^\]["]%',RIGHT(@json, LEN(@json+'|')-@start...
WAITFORwill wait for a given amount of time, or until a particular time of day. The statement can be used for delays or to block execution until the set time. RETURNis used to immediately return from a stored procedure or function. BREAKends the enclosingWHILEloop, whileCONTINUEcauses the n...
Log backups/restores might still be blocked, but only for the duration it takes to complete a single loop – not for the entire time it takes to clear the history. This can still impact RPO/RTO though. We can control how long the process runs for. We can keep it running outside busi...
98--Exit the WHILE loop. 99SET@bcontinue=0 100END 101END 102END 103ELSE 104BEGIN 105WHILE@bcontinue=1 106BEGIN 107--If the delimiter is an empty string, check for remaining text 108--instead of a delimiter. Insert the first character into the ...
While I waited…and waited for my Utility data to be inserted into my Azure database, I did some poking around to see if it was even possible to restore a local SQL Server 2014 backup to an Azure database. Guess what, I found something (And there was much rejoicing). On CodePlex, ...
WHILE Boolean_expression {statement_block} [BREAK] {statement_block} [CONTINUE] 1)Loop …exit;…end loop; 2)loop…exit when…end loop; 3)WHILE condition LOOP sequence_of_statements; EXIT WHEN boolean_expression; END LOOP; 3)for…in [reverse]…loop … end loop; GOTO GOTO label … label...
WHILE Boolean_expression {statement_block} [BREAK] {statement_block} [CONTINUE] 1)Loop …exit;…end loop; 2)loop…exit when…end loop; 3)WHILE condition LOOP sequence_of_statements; EXIT WHEN boolean_expression; END LOOP; 3)for…in [reverse]…loop … end loop; GOTO GOTO label … label...
This example showcases the use of two Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in a single query, with the second CTE being based on the first one. The goal is to find the top three nations in terms of the number of medals earned in a single Olympic game while avoiding duplicate entries for ...