This SQL Server tutorial explains how to use the BREAK statement in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples. In SQL Server, the BREAK statement is used when you want to exit from a WHILE LOOP and execute the next statements after the loop's EN
SQL Server 的範例 想像一下當另一個前項程式完成時,預期值的數據表: SQL 複製 WHILE (1=1) BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ##MyTempTable WHERE EventCode = 'Done') BEGIN BREAK; -- 'Done' row has finally been inserted and detected, so end this loop. END PRI...
MS SQL SERVER 支持三种类型的游标:Transact_SQL 游标,API 服务器游标和客户游标。 (1) Transact_SQL 游标 Transact_SQL 游标是由DECLARE CURSOR 语法定义、主要用在Transact_SQL 脚本、存储过程和触发器中。Transact_SQL 游标主要用在服务器上,由从客户端发送给服务器的Transact_SQL 语句或是批处理、存储过程、触...
in this case the DELETE statement, is part of the WHILE loop. The other Transact-SQL statements are outside the scope of the WHILE loop and will be executed once the WHILE condition is not met.
主要有以下五种循环:Exit When、Loop、While、For(普通循环)、For(游标循环),下面举例一一说明(均为存储过程)。 1、Exit When循环: create or replace procedure proc_test_exit_when is i number; begin i:=0; LOOP Exit When(i>5); Dbms_Output.put_line(i); ...
Break and Continue in While Loop You can also usebreakandcontinuein while loops: Break Example inti=0;while(i<10){System.out.println(i);i++;if(i==4){break;}} Try it Yourself » Continue Example inti=0;while(i<10){if(i==4){i++;continue;}System.out.println(i);i++;} ...
Python break 语句 Python break语句,就像在C语言中,打破了最小封闭for或while循环。 break语句用来终止循环语句,即循环条件没有False条件或者序列还没被完全递归完,也会停止执行循环语句。 break语句用在while和for循环中。 如果您使用嵌套循环,break语句将停止执行最深层的循环,并开始执行下一行代码。 Python continue...
ExampleGet your own Python Server End the loop if i is larger than 3: foriinrange(9): ifi >3: break print(i) Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage Thebreakkeyword is used to break out aforloop, or awhileloop. More Examples ...
While WholeWord Win32Application Windows WindowsApplicationPackagingProject WindowsAzure WindowScreenshot WindowsForm WindowsFormLibrary WindowsFormToolBox WindowsPhone WindowsService WindowsServiceStop WindowsServiceWarning WireframeView 精靈 WMIConnection WordWrap WorkAsSomeoneElse WorkerServiceFile WorkflowAssociat...
While WholeWord Win32Application Windows WindowsApplicationPackagingProject WindowsAzure WindowScreenshot WindowsForm WindowsFormLibrary WindowsFormToolBox WindowsPhone WindowsService WindowsServiceStop WindowsServiceWarning WireframeView Wizard WMIConnection WordWrap WorkAsSomeoneElse WorkerServiceFile Workflo...