We want to build a synchronization tool that is able to analyze the status of the messages and ask for synchronization updates during low network traffic periods. This is process workflow: multiple times per day when the traffic is low, the 'target server' will ask for a synchronization report...
#9',1,0 UNION SELECT GETDATE()-0.1,'Msg #10',1,1 SELECT * FROM @tc9 There are two solutions :1 . Use sql CTE ; with test as(select a.*, b.ID as cid from @tc9 a left join @tc9 b on a.id=b.ID+1 and (a.SendState<>b.SendState or a.AckState<>b.AckState)
I was presenting about whats new in T-SQL and was playing around with recursive Common Table Expressions (CTE) - they are just so neat! Let me show you just one example from the stuff I showed:Use this to create a new table and populate with some data for an org chart (I took the...
> 1 GO -- Members who replied multiple times to same post ;With CTE AS( SELECT Post1.PostID,Post1.PostTitle,Post2.OwnerID FROM dbo.ForumPosts Post1, Replies, dbo.ForumPosts Post2 WHERE MATCH(Post1-(Replies)->Post2) ) SELECT m.MemberName,c.PostTitle FROM CTE c JOIN dbo.ForumMe...
CTE or View, which to use and when as well as why? I personally use both a lot but Im curious if there are any formalized rules on this question or is it often a personal preference matter? And last but not least, where does performance play a part in deciding on which to use? Th...
can we use CTE for selecting data from excel Can we use While loop in CTE? can we write DDL command in Stored Procedure? Can wildcards be used on datetime column? can you add colour to a fields output in T-SQL? Can you change the value of yes or no instead of true or false use...
If the SPN not exists, we can use setspn –A SPN accountname to register an SPN for a TCP/IP connection using a domain user account. Delegation SQL Server can be configured to enable a client connected to an instance of SQL Server to connect to another instance of SQL S...
MySQLrecommends youuse a Common Table Expression (or CTE) instead of a temporary table when you need to refer to a temporary table more than once. CTE is a temporary result setthat you can refer multiple times in another SQL statements likeSELECT,INSERT,UPDATE, andDELETEstatements. ...
In SQL Server 2012 the LEAD() and LAG() functions were introduced that allow us to avoid correlated subquery and transform that solution into this code:Copy ;WITH cte AS ( SELECT S.StudentId ,S.Enroll_Date AS Start_Date ,DATEADD(month, -1,LEAD(S.Enroll_Date, 1, DATEADD(day, 1, ...
First, we will create a `Circuit` to generate an example reference state, and then use the `gen_term_sequence_circuit` method to append the Pauli exponentials."]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{},"outputs":[],"source":["from pytket.circuit import Circuit\n...