"EXECUTE AT" with Dynamic Linked Server Name "explicit value must be specified for identity column in table" error in SQL 2000 "FROM clause have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them" "No transaction is active." error when trying to send a transactional SQL statmen...
Building multiple CTE in SQL Server 2005 or SQL2008 is very easy. As using single CTE queries there is only one WITH and each CTE definition is seperated from each other using comma "," After the definition section of the sql cte examples, there comes the main select statement or sql upd...
In MySQL I think you could do this more easily with a multiple INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, assuming that id is a primary key keeping in mind that nonexistent conditions ("id = 777" with no 777) will get inserted in the table and maybe cause an error if, for example, other...
http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2009/08/08/sql-server-multiple-cte-in-one-select-statement-query/ but cannot get it to work with my logic for some reason. For example, the following query: ;WITH CTE1 AS (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 120) AS Col1), ...
;WITH cte AS ( SELECT Id, SUBSTRING(table_value, 1, 1) AS SingleValue, 1 AS ValueIndex FROM replacetable UNION ALL SELECT replacetable.Id, SUBSTRING(replacetable.table_value, cte.ValueIndex + 1, 1) AS SingleValue, cte.ValueIndex + 1 AS ValueIndex FROM cte INNER JOIN replacetable ON ...
I do understand that many people make assumptions about how a CTE works, and I appreciate the ...
You cannot useWITHin themiddleof a query expression.WITHis used to build up intermediate queries ...
Try this one:
Please start any new threads on our new site at . We've got lots of great SQL Server experts to answer whatever question you can come up with. All Forums SQL Server 2008 Forums Transact-SQL (2008) Explode records multiple times based on column....
I don't why, but I have always hated the above syntax. Thanks BG, we can have CTE now, so by all means I would prefer to write: ;WITH CompleteOrder AS ( SELECT o.*, ol.OrderlineID, ol.PartName FROM #Orders o INNER JOIN #Orderlines ol ON ol.OrderID = o.OrderID ...