The select query in the definition of theexample t-sql cursorreturns the example record set that will be used for emailing purposes. After we declare and open theexample sql cursor, byfetch nextmethod in thesample cursorsource rows, we will loop and send email in each loop with in the rec...
After all the records are processed the@@FETCH_STATUSparameter returns -1, so the cursor can be now closed with theCLOSE CURSORcommand.CLOSE CURSORreleases the current result set. And theDEALLOCATE CURSORcommand releases the last cursor reference. Here you can find the full sql cursor example co...
DECLARE E1cursor cursor /* 声明游标,默认为FORWARD_ONLY游标 */ FOR SELECT * FROM c_example OPEN E1cursor /* 打开游标 */ FETCH NEXT from E1cursor /* 读取第1行数据*/ WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 /* 用WHILE循环控制游标活动 */ BEGIN FETCH NEXT from E1cursor /* 在循环体内将读取其余行数据 ...
In SQL Server thecursoris a tool that is used to iterate over a result set, or to loop through each row of a result set one row at a time. It may not be the best way to work with a set of data, but if you need to loop row by agonizing row (RBAR) in a T-SQL script then...
(1) 声明游标。把游标与T-SQL语句的结果集联系起来。 (2) 打开游标。 (3) 使用游标操作数据。 (4) 关闭游标。 2.1. 声明游标 DECLARE CURSOR语句SQL-92标准语法格式: DECLARE 游标名 [ INSENSITIVE ] [ SCROLL ] CURSOR FOR sql-statement Eg:
使用cursor 数据类型创建的所有变量都可以为 Null。对于CREATE TABLE 语句中的列,不能使用 cursor 数据类型。另请参阅CAST 和 CONVERT (Transact-SQL) CURSOR_STATUS (Transact-SQL) 数据类型转换(数据库引擎) 数据类型 (Transact-SQL) DECLARE CURSOR (Transact-SQL) DECLARE @local_variable (Transact-SQL) SET ...
Instead of having to write the more complex T-SQL that this function uses in each of the four automated procedures, we now only have to reference the UDF in the cursor's declaration. After declaring the cursor, we then open it and fetch the first record into a set of variables that ...
SAP IQ 支持 SAP ASE 不支持的 DECLARE CURSOR 语法。有关 DECLARE CURSOR 的完整语法的信息,请参见“DECLARE CURSOR 语句 [ESQL] [SP]”。 注意 sp_iqcursorinfo 系统过程用于显示有关服务器上当前打开的游标的详细信息。标准 (返回顶部) SQL - FOR UPDATE 和 FOR READ ONLY 选项是 ISO/ANSI SQL 语法的 ...
定义了 Transact-SQL 服务器游标的属性,例如游标的滚动行为和用于生成游标所操作的结果集的查询。 DECLARE CURSOR 既接受基于 ISO 标准的语法,也接受使用一组 Transact-SQL 扩展的语法。Transact-SQL 语法约定语法ISO 语法:syntaxsql 复制 DECLARE cursor_name [ INSENSITIVE ] [ SCROLL ] CURSOR FOR select...
With ODBC, avoid the Transact-SQL statement EXECUTE, instead specify the name of the procedure directly. When executing the procedure from a Transact-SQL batch or another stored procedure, avoid using a cursor with the natively compiled stored procedure. When creating a natively compiled stored ...