After we declare and open theexample sql cursor, byfetch nextmethod in thesample cursorsource rows, we will loop and send email in each loop with in the record set. To send email to an email address from MS SQL Server, we will usesp_send_dbmailSQL Server mailing enhancement by defining...
1DECLARECURSOR语句SQL-92标准语法格式: 2DECLARE游标名[INSENSITIVE][SCROLL]CURSOR 3FORsql-statement Eg: 1DeclareMycrsrVarCursor 2FORSelect*FROMtbMyData 2.2打开游标 1OPENMycrsrVar 当游标被打开时,行指针将指向该游标集第1行之前,如果要读取游标集中的第1行数据,必须移动行指针使其指向第1行。就本例而言...
Transact-SQL游标# 基于DECLARE CURSOR语法,基于服务器上T-SQL实现。由从客户端发送到服务器的Transact-SQL 语句管理。它们还可能包含在批处理、存储过程或触发器中。 应用程序编程接口(API)服务器游标# OLE DB或ODBC中的API游标函数,API服务器游标在服务器上实现。每次客户端应用程序调用API游标函数时,SQL Server N...
During the example sql cursor declaration you can set the sql cursor properties or the attributes of the cursor. Note that the sample cursor declaration uses theFAST_FORWARDkey attribute in order to create a sql cursor with ahigh performance. SinceFAST_FORWARDstates that the cursor isFORWARD_ONLY...
OpenCursorStatement.AcceptChildren(TSqlFragmentVisitor) Method Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll Package: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom v161.8901.0 Accepts visitor for Children C# 复制...
OpenCursorStatement OpenJsonTableReference OpenMasterKeyStatement OpenQueryTableReference OpenRowsetColumnDefinition OpenRowsetCosmos OpenRowsetCosmosOption OpenRowsetCosmosOptionKind OpenRowsetTableReference OpenSymmetricKeyStatement OpenXmlTableReference OperatorAuditOption OptimizeForOptimizerHint OptimizerHint OptimizerHintKind...
参数 node 类型:Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.OpenCursorStatement The node. 请参阅 参考 TSqlFragmentVisitor 类 ExplicitVisit 重载 Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom 命名空间
Instead of having to write the more complex T-SQL that this function uses in each of the four automated procedures, we now only have to reference the UDF in the cursor's declaration. After declaring the cursor, we then open it and fetch the first record into a set of variables that ...
TSqlModelOptions.CursorDefaultGlobalScope PropertyReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Model Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Extensions.dll Package: Microsoft.SqlServer.DacFx v162.2.111 Specifies the CURSOR_DEFAULT database option. C# 复制 public bool? CursorDefault...
Similar to SQL Server, you can declare cursors with theDECLARE CURSORstatement. To open a cursor, use theOPENstatement. To fetch a cursor, use theFETCHstatement. You can close the cursor with theCLOSEstatement. Note Aurora MySQL doesn*t have aDEALLOCATEstatement becau...