因为每次传过来的参数即表名是不固定的,所以需要一个字符串变量拿到参数里的值再拼接成最终的sql(相对于翻译一下),再去数据库里执行。 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_getColumnsBycolumn]( @tabname VARCHAR(100)) AS DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(8000) DECLARE @STRING VARCHAR(500) BEGIN SELECT @sql= ISNULL(@sq...
I am still new to SQL, so doing it by learning. I would like to populate a table using stored procedure. My question is how do I call the procedure so that it gets executed and the table gets populated. So far I have done this. ALTER proc [dbo].[MytestTa...
http://www.brentozar.com/archive/2010/09/sql-server-dba-scripts-how-to-find-slow-sql-server-queries/ If you want the outer command (like a calling stored procedure's full text), use the @get_outer_command = 1 parameter as well. Thanks for all comments. I still haven't found the a...
目前分散式開發,比較不強調使用Stored Procedure,而是Data Access Layer僅做單純存取SQL Server,邏輯則寫在BLL,若你有以下的需求,則Stored Procedure仍然適合你。 Introduction 1.SQL Script Reuse: 使用Class寫法僅能達到C#部分的程式碼重複使用,若要達到SQL部分的程式碼重複使用,就必須將SQL寫在Stored Procedure裡。 2...
I have written several Stored Procedures which have multiple SELECT statements in order to return multiple ResultSets to the calling script. SQL script of one such procedure is as below: DELIMITER`$$ CREATE PROCEDURE `GetLists` () BEGIN ...
Transact-SQL 语法约定语法syntaxsql 复制 ERROR_PROCEDURE ( ) 返回类型nvarchar(128)返回值在CATCH 块中调用时,ERROR_PROCEDURE 返回导致错误的存储过程或触发器的名称。如果存储过程或触发器中未出现该错误,ERROR_PROCEDURE 返回NULL。在CATCH 块作用域外调用时,ERROR_PROCEDURE 返回NULL。
This article discusses the Transact-SQL (T-SQL) differences between an Azure SQL Managed Instance and SQL Server.
Azure SQL 托管实例 本主题列出了 T-SQL 的外围应用以及本机编译 T-SQL 模块主体支持的功能,如存储过程 (CREATE PROCEDURE (Transact-SQL))、标量用户定义函数、内联表值函数和触发器。 有关本机模块定义的支持功能,请参阅对于本机编译的 T-SQL 模块支持的 DDL。
In Transact-SQL procedures, the column names or alias names of the first query are returned to the calling environment: CREATE PROCEDURE showdept @deptname varchar(30) AS SELECT Employees.Surname, Employees.givenName FROM Departments, Employees WHERE Departments.DepartmentName = @deptname AND ...
SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure Programming From the Publisher: "Tired of pubs and Northwind? Tired of books that just lie there? This book will engage you interactively with its sample Asset tracking database and end-of-chapter exercises. You'll learn by doing. " 聴Karen Watterso... D ...