To run a stored procedure, you can either call it from a client program or invoke it from the Db2 command line processor.
1 DatabaseError: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement 0 Error while creating a stored procedure in PostgreSQL 0 Stored procedure ERROR 1520: File No:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error when calling it from oracle_cx python driver 2 How can I create stored procedure from within Pyth...
In my controller here is how I use the datasource to call a store procedure. class MainController { def dataSource // using the datasource we define in the spring's resources.xml def index = { Sql sql = new Sql(dataSource) def row = sql.execute("call create_daily_hours(${new ...
Hi.. i'm calling a stored procedure(SQL) in powerbi using direct query it is executed successfully by passing value manually. Now i'm trying to execute the value using parameter option in powerbi , so when i pass the value to powerbi and execute, it throws me an error "DataSource....
I have a task for a Mule flow to call an Oracle database stored procedure. This procedure has a number of parameters, which are all being passed successfully except the a boolean value. I'm getting the following error, no matter what I try: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type From...
the SQL Native Client ODBC driver does not support using either form of quoted identifier with identifiers that contain characters not specified as legal in identifiers by the SQL-92 standard. For example, the driver cannot access a stored procedure named"My.Proc"using a CALL statement with quote...
When you execute each of the followingINSERTstatements, the trigger fires and the Java method inserts a row into the appropriate base table: SQL> INSERT INTO emps VALUES (8001, 'Chand', 'Sales');SQL> INSERT INTO emps VALUES (8002, 'Van Horn', 'Sales');SQL> INSERT INTO emps VALUES (...
This sounds lot like oracle's mod_plsql. This is an apache http server plugin that gets to handle certain http requests. It does so by interpreting the request uri as a stored procedure call. Inside the procedure you can use a special procedure call that results in text in the http resp...
A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that is stored in the server. Clients make a single call to the stored procedure, passing parameters that can influence the procedure logic and query conditions, rather than issuing individual hardcoded SQL statements. ...
${MYSQLDIR}/mysql -u ${MYSQLUSERNAME} --password=${MYSQLPASSWORD} ${MYSQLTARGETDBNAME} << SQL CALL ukon_dw2.p_parseMyguideXMLDataString(); SQL func_logwriter "Successfully called the stored procedure p_parseMyguideXMLDataString" #End of procedure call ...