MinerProxy/WiseNoDevFee Star134 Code Issues Pull requests Ethereum NoDevFee: Support for GMiner, Phoenix Miner, Claymore, NBMiner, lolMiner, TeamRedMiner,T-Rex Miner, miniZ/老矿工以太坊反抽水软件,支持大多数主流内核和主流币种(eth, rvn,ergo,cfx等),仅供内部参考学习 ...
Seehttps://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/wiki/API In order to protect the miner from reverse engineering attacks, the binaries are packed using a third-party software which mangles the original machine code. As a result, some antivirus engines may detect certain signatures within the executable ...
t-rex.exe -a ethash --lhr-algo kawpow -o stratum+tcp://http://eth.2miners.com:2020-u WALLET_ADDRESS_ETH -p x -w RIG_3080Ti --url2 stratum+tcp://http://rvn.2miners.com:6060--user2 WALLET_ADDRESS_RVN.RIG_3080Ti --pass2 x --log-path log_T-rex_RIG_3080Ti_dual_ETH+RVN....
T-Rex Bitcointalk thread T-Rex GitHub T-Rex parameters list List of supported coins on T-Rex How to set up T-Rex with minerstat? In this guide we will show you how to set upT-Rexon minerstat for mining ETC. The same procedure can be used for other coins and multi-algo pools. ...
0.26.1要比0.26.0更为稳定,但仍是beta版本,稳定版应该会在未来几天后在t-rex的github项目页releases中找到。 ⏬t-rex 0.26.1 beta 下载地址:https://trex-miner.com/download/test/t-rex-0.26.1-win.zip 然后开始测试。测试显卡为七彩虹3070Ti W OC,w oc处于中端系列。(这个卡根据序列号出厂时间不同,...
control- Real time configuration of T-Rex miner. As of API 1.3 version the following commands are supported: shutdown- Shuts down your miner. Usage: If you prefer POST set the request body to{"command": "shutdown"}. ...
I try to mine ethPOW, but miner said my GPU is idle #1445 openedMay 23, 2023bytszngaiyip ./t-rex: not found #1444 openedMay 8, 2023byEatDun Add x16rt support to T-Rex #1443 openedMay 2, 2023byJunaidPeer Can't start T-Rex, can't initialize CUDA engine, cuda exception: CUDA_...
trexminer 0.25.6 8066c4f Compare T-Rex 0.25.6 Add ETH+ALPH dual mining support for non-LHR cards (seehttps://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/wiki/Dual-miningfor more details) (WebUI) Add an optional "Lock Count" column to track the number of times the GPU hit an LHR lock ...
⏬t-rex 0.26.1 beta 下载地址:https://trex-miner.com/download/test/t-rex-0.26.1-win.zip 然后开始测试。测试显卡为七彩虹3070Ti W OC,w oc处于中端系列。(这个卡根据序列号出厂时间不同,显存超频能力差别很大,本文暂不讨论) 在core clock -500、memory clock +1300、power limit 68%、lhr 74%下能...