T-Rex has one of the lowest prices for usage. For the majority of supported algorithms we only take 1% of your mining time as a reward. This is less than 15 minutes per day. T-Rex supports popular algorithms You don't need other miner in case the coin you mine goes down in pric...
How to set up T-Rex miner Bitcointalk Available for Similar mining software CRYPTODREDGE v 0.27.0 System msOS Windows Type Nvidia PHOENIX-ETH v 6.2c System msOS Windows Type Nvidia AMD BMINER v 16.4.11 System msOS Windows Type Nvidia
Watchdog is intended to observe miner state and restart T-Rex if it crashes or hangs for any reason. Also, watchdog can optionally perform auto updates if a newer version is available. We recommend using the watchdog to avoid any downtime in mining and make sure your GPUs are busy 24/7...
MinerProxy / WiseNoDevFee Star 135 Code Issues Pull requests Ethereum NoDevFee: Support for GMiner, Phoenix Miner, Claymore, NBMiner, lolMiner, TeamRedMiner,T-Rex Miner, miniZ/老矿工以太坊反抽水软件,支持大多数主流内核和主流币种(eth, rvn,ergo,cfx等),仅供内部参考学习 phoenix ethereum pool...
T-Rex Miner 完全解锁了 NVIDIA LHR 显卡:这是真的还是假的?请看我们的测试结果。 October 8, 2021 在本文中,我们将探讨T-Rex双挖矿模式解锁LHR的原理,为此2Miners团队进行了一系列的测试。我们使用 GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 显卡测试进行测试,结果应该适用于任何 LHR 显卡。
trexminer 0.25.15 ca9da93 Compare T-Rex 0.25.15 (LHR) Extend the new LHR unlock functionality to ETH+ALPH dual mining, and ERGO single mode. LHR tune values aren't accurate, but once you've found a value that's stable for your GPU, you can set it manually with--lhr-tuneand get ...
⏬t-rex 0.26.1 beta 下载地址:https://trex-miner.com/download/test/t-rex-0.26.1-win.zip 然后开始测试。测试显卡为七彩虹3070Ti W OC,w oc处于中端系列。(这个卡根据序列号出厂时间不同,显存超频能力差别很大,本文暂不讨论) 在core clock -500、memory clock +1300、power limit 68%、lhr 74%下能...
30系LHR算力新突..测试显卡为微星万图师3060LHR,Gminer 33.4NBminer测试 34.4T-rex miner 37同样对于3060TI,T-rex miner 解锁后 达到45MT-rex miner 0.24 在3080LHR上同样达到了 73M
T-Rex小学lv1 这个人很懒,什么都没有留下! 概览 发布的 关注 粉丝 收藏分类 挖矿工具 挖矿教程 未分类 矿业新闻 矿机测评 联系与合作 邮箱:wk588.com@gmail.com Copyright © 2025 挖矿网 查询9 次,耗时 1.4030 秒 首页工具 搜索菜单我的 ...
How to set up T-Rex with minerstat? In this guide we will show you how to set upT-Rexon minerstat for mining ETC. The same procedure can be used for other coins and multi-algo pools. 1. Address editor Openaddress editorand save the pool and wallet for mining ETC. In this case, we...