声明:function Realloc(var NewCapacity: Longint): Pointer; virtual;Realloc方法,以8K为单位分配动态内存,内存的大小由NewCapacity指定,函数返回指向所分配内存的指针。3. SetSize方法 SetSize方法消除内存流中包含的数据,并将内存流中内存池的大小设为Size字节。如果Size为零,是SetSize方法将释放已有的内存池,...
TImpl<From, To,NoCVFrom, NoCVFrom> 后面2个参数不是写错了,它作用就是为了特化成相同类型,TRemoveCV 的作用就是移除类型的 Const,Volatile TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo 最精妙的地方是在于它的默认实现;Value = sizeof( Test((From*)nullptr) ) - 1,首先将空指针转换成 From 类型的指针( 空指针可以默认...
scoped_ptr mimics a built-in pointer except that it guarantees deletion of the object pointed to, either on destruction of the scoped_ptr or via an explicit reset(). scoped_ptr is a simple solution for simple needs; use shared_ptr or std::auto_ptr if your needs are more complex. ...
{ std::cout } int main(){ int* pi;double* pd;f(pi);f(pd);f(nullptr);// would be ambiguous without void f(nullptr_t)// f(NULL); // ambiguous overload: all three functions are candidates } Output:Pointer to integer overload Pointer to double overload null pointer overload ...
The envp parameter is a pointer to an array of null-terminated strings that represent the values set in the user’s environment variables _tmain:1. Main是所有c或c++的程序执行的起点,_tmain是main为了支持unicode所使用的main的别名 ._tmain( )不过是unicode版本的的main( ) .2. _tmain需要一个...
let foo: StringView = "foo" // This string is not allocated on the heap, and foo is only a fat pointer to the static string. Overloaded string literals can be used by providing a type hint, whether by explicit type annotations, or by passing the literal to a function that expects ...
mmo1.Lines.Add('LTestObj地址:' + IntToHex(Integer(Pointer(LTestObj)),0)); //给接口赋值 LTestInf := LTestObj; //将接口转为Obj LObj1 := TObject(LTestInf); //将接口对象地址赋值给了LObj1,但丢失了接口信息 mmo1.Lines.Add('LObj1地址:' + IntToHex(Integer(Pointer(LObj1)),0)); /...
(byte*)memoryHandle.Pointer, data.Length, pState, _callbackPtr); } catch { ((GCHandle)pState).Free();// cleanup since callback won't be invokedmemoryHandle.Dispose();throw; }if(result != PENDING) {// Operation completed synchronously; invoke callback manually// for result processing ...