SEARCH_SAP_MENU Show the menu path to use to execute a given tcode. You can search by transaction code or menu text. DI02 ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Tables. LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench. An addon available from SAP that can make data converstion a lot easier. OSS1 S...
Program : SAPMF05VPackage : FIBPComponent : SAP_FIN FBVBTcode for Post Parked DocumentProgram : SAPMF05APackage : FIBPComponent : SAP_FIN FV53Tcode for Display Parked G/L Account DocumentProgram : SAPMF05APackage : FFEComponent : SAP_FIN FV63Tcode for Displayed Parked Vendor Document...
SEARCH_SAP_MENU Show the menu path to use to execute a given tcode. You can search by transaction code or menu text. DI02 ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Tables. LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench. An addon available from SAP that can make data converstion a lot easier. OSS1 S...
I am trying to clear the line items of a balance sheet gl account ( short term general liabilities) using t.code F-03.This gl account is specified as "open item Management" and line item display in the GL Master. The problem is that when I try to clear the line items of the accoun...
So here are the 40 most-used transaction codes in SAP ECC. Take a look and make sure you’re not missing out on anything. #Transaction CodeTransac
we would like to draw your attention toIDCNPLFWD transaction code inSAP. As we know it is being used in the SAPFI-LOC (Localization in FI) componentwhich is coming underFI module (Financial Accounting). IDCNPLFWD is a transaction code used forP&L Account Closing Posting (China)in SAP....
Solved: Hi friends, what trasaction codes helpful for validating GL account balances(debit,credit,balance, cumulative balances) in ECC6.0 as BW consultant brought P&L
SAP FICO TCodes Only End User TCodes AnsweredT Codes Transaction Text T-Code Enter Sample Document F-01 Enter G/L Account Posting ...Useful Reports Tcode in SAP Financial Accounting GENERAL LEDGERInformation Systems 1. Structured Account Balances (Balance Sheet & P&L Account in FS Version ...
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