First, please see, as this resource page provides tips for preparing questions that draw responses from our members. Second, feel free to take our Q&A tutorial at, as that will ...
SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA, SAP S/4HANA Finance, SAP Treasury and Risk Management, FIN (Finance), FIN Treasury Hi colleagues, Each Product Type in TRM module post to Financial Accounting, Most of Product type are predefined in Latest S/4 Hana but we have to assign ...
@StaceyM I'm looking at your site and the list of Expense type names do not include the GL Account code. So, users shouldn't be seeing the GL numbers. The only way a user would see the GL number is if it was included in the name of the expense type. So, what you are experienc...
Why you can not try your above said process in your system and find the result quickly! For service procurement, you can use valuation class 3200 for service master.The t.code:OMQW is being used for account determination without material master and here G/L account’s are assigned with mat...
21、 FS10N点击闹钟表运行3.2 Display/Change Line Items 查询每笔总帐科目余额TRANSACTION CODE:FBL3N事务 菜单路径:FBL3NSAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Account> FBL3N在G/L account 输入要查询总帐科目然后点击闹钟运行,显示下图在G/L account 输入要查询总帐科目然后点击闹钟运行从上面屏幕...
1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目 TRANSACTION CODE:FS00 事务 菜单路径: FS00 SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Master records >Individual Processing>FS00 1 / 62 2 / 62 步骤1 描述(一级) 输入内容 G/L Account No(创建科目号) 输入总帐科目 号 Company Code(公司代...
培训手册模块参考编制者后者审核批准接受者glmanualfi.pdf,Table of Contents GL 总帐 1 MAINTAIN GL ACCOUNT 总帐科目 1 1.1.1 Create General Ledger Account 创建总帐科目 1 1.1.2 Change General Ledger Account 更改总帐科目 6 1.1.3 Dis y General Ledger Account 显
1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目 TRANSACTION CODE:FS00事务菜单路径:FS00 SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Master records >Individual Processing>FS00步骤1描述(一级)输入内容G/L Account No(创建科目号) 输入总帐科目 号Company...
Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/odata/common/entity.d.ts:53 Returns GlAccountInChartOfAccounts Properties Protected _customFields _customFields: Record<string, any> Inherited from OperationalAcctgDocItemCube._customFields Defined in n...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN Controlling Hi, Pls let me know which transaction code i need to use view GL account overview. Thanks Sandesh RaoKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification before answering. Comment Comments...