Systems Thinking Is Vital to Long-Term Equitable COVID-19 Response and Recovery in WisconsinDavis, SarahPark, Eunice Y.Morgen, MariaKhan, BailaDonovan, KylieKaur, ManpreetHackett, Margaret B.Wisconsin Medical Journal
As a first step in achieving a common understanding, a multidisciplinary expert panel was convened to engage in a Delphi process to develop a consensus statement on the role of health systems in advancing the long-term well-being of PLHIV from a patient-centered perspective. The overarching purp...
Women are more likely than men to experience post–COVID-19 condition, also known as long COVID, and a new study from Science Translational Medicine identified a possible explanation. In an analysis of blood samples from 45 participants taken during and after SARS-CoV-2 infection, the ...
Women are more likely than men to experience post–COVID-19 condition, also known as long COVID, and a new study from Science Translational Medicine identified a possible explanation. In an analysis of blood samples from 45 participants taken during and after SARS-CoV-2 infection, the author...
POST-acute COVID-19 syndromeMEDICAL personnelCOVID-19 pandemicHEALTH equityPUBLIC health educationThe article "Confronting the Ongoing Challenges of COVID-19: A Comprehensive Approach for Health Care Systems" discusses the long-term health consequences of COVID-19 on patients and the...
Organizations have encountered risks of all types dealing with information systems (IS) and information technology (IT). However, managing risks in the COVID-19 environment is not something organizations have encountered in the past, at least to the extent. This paper identifies a number of IS/...
根据第一段中“The spread of COVID-19 has demonstrated the fragility of global food systems(COVID-19的蔓延表明了全球粮食系统的脆弱性)”以及第二段中“Ironically, there will be record yields for many grains this year, but the disruptions in the supply chain caused by the pandemic as well as...
RNA serve the pharmaceuticals and medical device industries by providing automated feeding and handling systems to meet increased demand related to Covid-19 vaccine production. Given the nature of the pandemic, the supplement-vaccine products must be produced very quickly, and most importantly, be ...
Some hypothesized sociodemographic factors for increased exposure and severity of COVID-19 include living in a long-term care facility or being institutionalized, age (older), gender (mixed findings), having comorbidities (including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, immunocompromised status, ...
3 The lessons of the past, where outbreak responses have led to declining health outcomes in other areas, create a compelling case for donors and governments to consider using the funding for COVID-19 to control and address the spread of the disease and build long-term resilience in ...