Almost three years into the pandemic, scientists are still trying to figure out why some people get long COVID and why a small percentage — including the three women — have lasting symptoms. Background Rachel Pope, the historian, is...
The researchers also assessed children who tested negative for COVID-19 who could have had other childhood illnesses, such as colds and influenza. A small cohort of children with other illnesses tended to have more symptoms than those who were ill with COVID-19, averaging five symptoms in the...
A separate segment of COVID-19 survivors report sleepingmorethan normal after recovering from the disease. They can be hit with an overwhelming tiredness. For these Long COVID patients, the need for sleep can come on strong and suddenly in a way that is not normal for them and that can ...
You might feel your mental health is worse after having COVID-19. This is not unusual, and the feeling may lift on its own in a few days or weeks. But if it doesn't, this could be a sign of depression. Among the symptoms, you may: Have a low mood lasting 2 weeks or more Not...
Researchers looked atCOVID-19immunity prior to emergence of the omicron variant to help inform vaccine and infection control policy. A study released inJAMA Network Openby investigators at Providence, one of the largest health systems in the United States, and theUniversity of...
Disease of the small airways in the lungs is a potential long-lasting effect of COVID-19, according to a new study published in the journal Radiology. The study found that small airways disease occurred independently of initial infection severity. The lo
long COVIDconvalescentEmerging studies indicate that some COVID-19 patients suffer from persistent symptoms including breathlessness and chronic fatigue; however the long-term immunedoi:10.2139/ssrn.3720301Shuwa, Halima AliShaw, Tovah N.Knight, S. B....
viral infections other than COVID have been seen before.Post-viral syndrome after influenzacontinues to haunt some long after the infection has passed, for example. Even common and typically less harmful viral infectionssuch as mononucleosiscan sometimes have veryserious and long-lasting...
Although COVID-19 was initially considered an acute respiratory illness, recent evidence suggests that manifestations including but not limited to those of the cardiovascular, respiratory, neuropsychiatric, gastrointestinal, reproductive, and musculoskeletal systems may persist long after the acute phase. ...
We wanted to know whether COVID-19 vaccines might protect against developing long-lasting symptoms. To find out, we looked at data provided by more than a million regular contributors to theCOVID Symptom Study, a project in which members of the public log their symptoms via an app to help...