Despite the rising global incidence of central nervous system (CNS) disorders, CNS drug development remains challenging, with high costs, long pathways to clinical use and high failure rates. The CNS is highly protected by physiological barriers, in part
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Resilient health system (RHS) is crucial to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) and health security. However, little is known about strategies towards RHS to improve UHC and health security. This systematic review aims to synthesise the literature
The risk of an infection of the central nervous system (CNS) in an immunocompromised patient depends on the underlying disease and its treatment, the duration of immunosuppression, and the type of immune abnormality.1,2 The four major types of host-defen
The software recommends the most relevant tweets to the user. Prototype - TwitterRecommenderSystem/database.json at master · ravinkohli/TwitterRecommenderSystem
PE: post-electroporation HBC: horizontal basal cell GBC: globose basal cell SUS: sustentacular (cell) ORN: olfactory receptor neuron CNS: central nervous system: GFAP: glial fibrillary acidic protein EGF: epidermal growth factor FGF: fibroblast growth factor OM: olfactory mucosa SMA:...
The ganA gene from Bacillus subtilis encoding a β-galactosidase for degradation of the galactomannan was integrated in different loci of the B. subtil
The liver is the largest internal organ in the body and contains many cell types that are involved in local and systemic immunity, including those of both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Approximately 10 % of the cells of the liver belong to the
Thus, the aim of this study is the validation of a PA system as a method to determine the spatiotemporal gait parameters of healthy children. The gait parameters are validated by comparison with those obtained from a GAL system, specifically a stereophotogrammetry device with force plates. Additi...