Gaddikeri S, Matesan M, Alvarez J, Hippe DS, Vesselle HJ (2018) MDP‐SPECT versus hybrid MDP‐SPECT/CT in the evaluation of suspected pars interarticularis fracture in young athletes. J Neuroimaging 28(6):635–639 ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Reed A, Joyner C, Brawnlow H, Simpson H (...
Despite the rising global incidence of central nervous system (CNS) disorders, CNS drug development remains challenging, with high costs, long pathways to clinical use and high failure rates. The CNS is highly protected by physiological barriers, in part
Since its discovery, the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat (the CRISPR) system has been increasingly applied to therapeutic genome e
AS35381 SEVNET-ISP PE Volodin Yuriy VolodimirovichAS35382 CAPNOVA-AS Oy Capnova LtdAS35383 ZXFACTORY-AS ZXfactory BVAS35384 TAYLORWESSING TaylorWessing-ASAS35385 QOU Al Quds Open UniversityAS35386 NDG-AS SC Network Development Grup SRLAS35388 JEEL-AS Arabic Computer System Co.AS35389 ...
The software recommends the most relevant tweets to the user. Prototype - TwitterRecommenderSystem/database.json at master · ravinkohli/TwitterRecommenderSystem
Biomaterials hold promise for therapeutic applications in the central nervous system (CNS). Little is known about molecular factors that determine CNS foreign body responses (FBRs) in vivo, or about how such responses influence biomaterial function. Here
The DS of the carboxyl groups of HA-SH with maleoyl groups of NHS-PEG2000-MAL was 5.1% and the molecular weight of PEIVES was 13,490 g/mol. 3.2. Preparation of pDNA-loaded nanoparticles The LightOn gene expression system consists of a light-inducible transactivator plasmid and a gene ...
sbuemhapvtiioounr olneatrhneindgataapdpirsotraicbhu.tions of the normal movement behaviour of the monitored person, and therefore, our mIondethl eretdaubcleeswthee pmreosdeenlltinthgesertetsinugltssaonfdtphreovesidtiems aatomro(rhens),eaamutloesmsabteohnav(Zionu),ralen...
The liver is the largest internal organ in the body and contains many cell types that are involved in local and systemic immunity, including those of both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Approximately 10 % of the cells of the liver belong to the
The pandemic viral illness COVID-19 is especially life-threatening in the elderly and in those with any of a variety of chronic medical conditions. This es