Enterprise InnovationThe System GMM modelOrdinary least squaresAiming at the impact of financing structure and cash holdings on enterprise innovation, this article uses the system GMM model. The empirical findings show that the higher the proportion of equity financing, the more cash companies hold, ...
摘要:以2002~2011 年716 家上市公司为样本,运用动态面板的System GMM 估计方法,同时考虑了三种内生性,研 究了管理者薪酬、薪酬绩效敏感性与公司非效率投资间的关系。通过研究发现,提高管理者薪酬及其薪酬绩效敏感性不仅有利 于降低公司的非效率投资行为,而且管理者薪酬与其薪酬绩效敏感性间的交互效应也对公司非效率...
Exploring industrial agglomeration and green finance impact on regional environmental pollution in China based on system-GMM model The boom of building various industrial agglomerations in China has continued for many years. The relationship between industrial agglomeration and environ... Q Qiu - 《...
W. Research on the impact of green finance on the ecologicalization of china’s industrial structure—Empirical test based on system GMM model. Econ. Rev. J. 2, 105–115. https://doi.org/10.16528/j.cnki.22-1054/f.202102105 (2021). Article Google Scholar Mondal, K., Chatterjee, C. ...
经典的stata system GMM 教程
Findings The results estimated from the system GMM model show a threshold effect in the ESO–value creation relationship. For an employee shareholding ratio less than 3%, ESO has a positive impact on value creation; above this level, the impact becomes negative. Furthermore, the nature of the ...
1.GMM Estimation for the Markov-switching Multi-fractal Model and Its Empirical ApplicationMonte Carle模拟的结果显示,GMM估计在二项式模型和对数正态分布模型中具有非常优良的统计性质。 2.Financial Development and the Relief of Corporate Financing Constraints in China——Analysis Based on Dynamic Panel Data...
Collapse GMM instruments to limit instrument proliferation Search for models based on users' request, rather than just run the model specified by users as other packages do Installation: pip install pydynpd This package requires: numpy, scipy, pandas, and PrettyTable ...
investment within the traditional growth regression frameworks that are estimated using both the fixed effect model and the system-generalized method SYS-GMM.We also use the 30-year lagged employment as instrumental variables to identify the causal effect of old dependency on economic growth.Our ...
For nonlinear analyses, VCDs were modeled using a spring element to simulate the connection stiffness in series with a generalized Maxwell model (GMM) which consists of one spring element in parallel with two Maxwell elements (spring and dashpot in series). The GMM is capable of simulating frequ...