"system clock synchronized: no" 表示系统时钟当前没有与网络时间服务器进行同步。这可能会导致系统时间与实际时间存在偏差,特别是在长时间运行未进行时间同步的情况下。 2. 提供开启系统时钟同步的方法 在Linux系统中,可以使用systemd-timesyncd服务或ntpd/chronyd服务来同步系统时钟。以下是使用systemd-timesyncd服务...
System clock synchronized:状态就比较复杂一点,不确定这个是根据什么文件等来判断是yes还是no的。 首先chronyc tracking如果是local 本地源的话,这个状态一直是no的。如果chronyc sources没有源,此时也是no,而且如果是local 本地源也会导致chronyc sources没有源,如果有源但是没有状态是^*的,也是no, 有了^*但是...
System clock synchronized: no NTP service: active RTC in local TZ: no This would obviously be caused by the wholeSystem clock synchronized: nobusiness, even though NTP is active. Now to figure out, why the synchronization won’t turn on … vlkon: Unles...
Using the Chrony suite to configure NTP 13.1.1. Introduction to chrony suite 13.1.2. Using chronyc to control chronyd 13.2. Using Chrony Using Chrony 13.2.1. Managing chrony 13.2.2. Checking if chrony is synchronized 13.2.3. Manually adjusting the System Clock 13.2.4. Disabling a ...
Aug 26 13:00:15 node1 chronyd[4873]: Selected source (ntp1.example.com) Aug 26 13:00:15 node1 chronyd[4873]: System clock TAI offset set to 37 seconds ... For systems using systemd-timesyncd: Specify which servers systemd-timesyncd should use in /etc/systemd/timesyncd....
While the ~ 24-h-long clock relies on the "conventional" circadian transcription factor network, the nature of the circalunar (monthly) clock still remains unknown. It also remains to be tested if the annual changes are just direct responses to environmental changes or controlled by an ...
The timedatectl command allows you to query and change the date, time, and timezone or enable automatic system clock synchronization with a remote NTP server.
Status: "Synchronized to time server (0.arch.pool.ntp.org)." Tasks: 2 (limit: 512) CGroup: /system.slice/systemd-timesyncd.service └─2243 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd Chrony If the system clock can’t be synced to an NTP server, you can also trychrony, wh...