1. 解释"system clock synchronized: no"的含义 system clock synchronized: no 表示系统的时钟没有与任何网络时间协议(NTP)服务器同步。NTP是一种用于同步计算机时间的协议,确保计算机之间时间的一致性。当timedatectl命令输出中包含System clock synchronized: no时,意味着systemd-timesyncd服务或其他NTP客户端没有成功...
如果出现 检查system clock synchronized失败,没有通过的错误,需要开启时钟同步: (1)centos操作系统: sudo yum install chrony -y &&sudotimedatectl set-ntp on (2)Ubuntu操作系统: sudo apt-get install chrony -y &&sudotimedatectl set-ntp on
system clock synchronized no怎么改为system clock synchronized yes,几种获取系统时间的异同System类时JDK中的API;SystemClock是Android中的API,跟设备从启动开始获取时间有关。1.System.currentTimeMillis();表示1970年0点0时0分0秒距离现在的毫秒数。System#currentT
System clock synchronized: no NTP service: active RTC in local TZ: no This would obviously be caused by the wholeSystem clock synchronized: nobusiness, even though NTP is active. Now to figure out, why the synchronization won’t turn on … ...
Synchronized clock system and secondary clock thereforBryce James W
clock status: synchronized clock stratum: 4 reference clock ID: nominal frequency: 100.0000 Hz actual frequency: 100.0000 Hz clock precision: 2^17 clock offset: -2.4010 ms root delay: 2.16 ms root dispersion: 12719.74 ms peer dispersion: 0.00 ms ...
[DeviceC] display ntp status clock status: synchronized clock stratum: 4 reference clock ID: nominal frequency: 64.0029 Hz actual frequency: 64.0029 Hz clock precision: 2^7 clock offset: 0.0000 ms root delay: 124.98 ms root dispersion: 0.15 ms peer dispersion: 10.96 ms refere...
SynchronizedReadOnlyCollection.System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.Insert Method (System.Collections.Generic) ServiceModelExtensionCollectionElement.System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TServiceModelExtensionElement>.IsReadOnly Property (System.ServiceModel.Configuration) IStreamAsync PROPID_M_DEST_FORMAT_NAME Macros...
System clock synchronized:状态就比较复杂一点,不确定这个是根据什么文件等来判断是yes还是no的。 首先chronyc tracking如果是local 本地源的话,这个状态一直是no的。如果chronyc sources没有源,此时也是no,而且如果是local 本地源也会导致chronyc sources没有源,如果有源但是没有状态是^*的,也是no, ...