Flavor profile of Syrah from Wine Folly: The Essential Guide to Wine. The Taste of Syrah Wine Syrah is responsible for some of the darkest full-bodied red wines in the world. It has dark fruit flavors from sweet blueberry to savory black olive. When you taste Syrah you’ll be greeted...
A blend of Syrah and Grenache, the 2007 The Folly possesses good fruit as well as medium body, but it narrows slightly in the finish. There are plenty of kirsch and blackberry characteristics, but the wine lacks the complexity and depth required to merit a higher score. Peter Young’s Dry...
蒙特斯酒庄的酒款众多,包括蒙特斯欧法(Montes Alpha)、蒙特斯欧法特酿(Montes Alpha Special Cuvee)、无极(Outer Limits)、经典系列(Classic Series)和限量精选(Limited Selection)等系列,以及蒙特斯欧法M(Montes Alpha M)、蒙特斯富利(Montes Folly)、紫衣天使(Purple Angel)和金天使(Taita)等顶级酒款。其中,蒙...
阿伯特(Clos Apalta)和蒙德斯富乐(Montes Folly Syrah),此外还有维斯卡斯(Los Vascos)。 圣克鲁兹镇(Santa Cruz)是参观这个产区酒厂的最佳起点,除了酒厂之外,产区内还有很多著名的旅游景点,比如晖科庄园(Hacienda Huique),它以前是智利总统的避暑胜地,整个庄园模拟了18世纪的建筑风格;又比如“葡萄酒火车(Tren del ...
The judges (left to right): Hugo Rose MW of the Wine Investment Association; Miles Corish MW of Milestone Wines; Michael Palij MW of Winetraders; wine consultant Patricia Stefanowicz MW; Patrick Schmitt MW, editor ofthe drinks business; Lucy Shaw, managing editor ofthe drinks business; Alun...
Region Guide: Dive deep into the awesome and beautiful depths with the Wine Folly Walla Walla Region Guide. Yakima To the west of Walla Walla is the larger Yakima Valley AVA. Yakima produces Syrah wines that burst with raspberry and herb flavors and slightly lighter, more elegant body than th...
蒙特斯酒庄的酒款众多,包括蒙特斯欧法(Montes Alpha)、蒙特斯欧法特酿(Montes Alpha Special Cuvee)、无极(Outer Limits)、经典系列(Classic Series)和限量精选(Limited Selection)等系列,以及蒙特斯欧法M(Montes Alpha M)、蒙特斯富利(Montes Folly)、紫衣天使(Purple Angel)和金天使(Taita)等顶级酒款。其中,蒙...
蒙特斯酒庄的酒款众多,包括蒙特斯欧法(Montes Alpha)、蒙特斯欧法特酿(Montes Alpha Special Cuvee)、无极(Outer Limits)、经典系列(Classic Series)和限量精选(Limited Selection)等系列,以及蒙特斯欧法M(Montes Alpha M)、蒙特斯富利(Montes Folly)、紫衣天使(Purple Angel)和金天使(Taita)等顶级酒款。其中,蒙...
蒙特斯酒庄的酒款众多,包括蒙特斯欧法(Montes Alpha)、蒙特斯欧法特酿(Montes Alpha Special Cuvee)、无极(Outer Limits)、经典系列(Classic Series)和限量精选(Limited Selection)等系列,以及蒙特斯欧法M(Montes Alpha M)、蒙特斯富利(Montes Folly)、紫衣天使(Purple Angel)和金天使(Taita)等顶级酒款。其中,蒙...
GuidesGrapesRegionsTopicsSchoolClubShopWine Folly+Home / Topics / Deep Dive / Northern Rhône Wine Region: The Land of French Syrah Northern Rhône Wine Region: The Land of French Syrah Written by Madeline Puckette This is an advanced article discussing the nuance of French Syrah wines from ...