关于“安迪斯西拉红葡萄酒(Andis Wines Syrah, Amador County, USA) ”的酒款综述 此款西拉颜色深浓,口感醇厚,酒精度偏高,散发着蓝莓、樱桃果香和香草、白胡椒的辛香,泥土气息在石榴为主的风味中十分突出。建议与多汁的烤肉或烤羊羔搭配。 本酒款酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY ...
西拉(Syrah) 典型香气:黑李子、红李子、蓝莓、桑椹、紫罗兰、松露、甘草和胡椒等起源: 西拉(Syrah)起源于法国罗讷河谷(Rhone)北部,主要在埃米塔日(Hermitage)和罗第丘(Cote-Rotie)产区。西拉在文献中最初以“Sira de l’Hermitage”和“Serine”出现,“Syrah”一词就来源于“Serine”,在印欧语系中“Ser”意指“...
“The Sémillon gives it a little more plushness and softens it on the palate.” California Red Blends The governments of many European wine regions regulate which grapes can grow where, but Californians have no such restrictions. As a result, California red blends abound in various forms and...
In one of California’s newest wine regions, producers celebrate the coastal environment with mineral-driven bottlings and fresh-caught pairings.
Dry wines are the opposite of sweet wines. No laws in the United States dictate how much sugar a dry red wine may have, however, in the EU, a dry wine may have up to nine grams of sugar per liter. In practice, however, most dry wines contain much less. Wine professionals define ...
朗格多克-露喜龙(Languedoc-Roussillon) 图片来源:www.daumas-gassac.com朗格多克-露喜龙(Languedoc-Roussillon)是法国南部地中海沿岸的葡萄种植区域,这里出产大量的葡萄酒,朗格多克-鲁西荣酿酒历史悠久,产量巨大,几乎占据了全法产量的30%。但由于出品葡萄酒品质偏低,使得人们对这里的葡萄酒总有一种特殊的印象,现阶段...
experiences in Bordeaux have been at his Chateau enjoying lunch with he and Francois Despagne as he cooked over an open fire as we enjoyed older vintages of Bordeaux and Armagnac. This wine was made specifically for the state of Texas as you’ll see a Longhorn on the front label to prove...
Vinisterra 'Pedregal' Syrah - Mourvedre Ensenada, Mexico ¥400 90 / 100 Vinisterra Nebbiolo Baja California, Mexico ¥564 90 / 100 Vinisterra 'Domino' Blanco Valle de Guadalupe, Mexico ¥136 Vinisterra 'Domino' Rosado Ensenada, Mexico ¥136 Vinisterra 'Domino' Tinto Ensenada,...
Similarity, red wines that are considered dry are Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Pinot Noir, Malbec, and Tempranillo. Cabernet and Merlot are the most popular and well-known produced red wine varieties. Dry red wines that are produced in America include cabernet sauvignon, merlot, pinot noir...
所属专辑:Wine is a language 声音简介 红品种西拉/设拉子的特点和产区 Characteristics of Syrah and wine production region 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 Belleyeah 45436 简介:Stay hungry stay foolish! TA的专辑 更多 To the OAK Tree155 ...