Shiraz is the name used in Australia and selected pockets of the New World for the dark skinned grape variety Syrah which originated in the Rhône and dominates plantings in the valley's northern section. Though genetically identical, the stylistic dif
Shiraz is the name used in Australia and selected pockets of the New World for the dark skinned grape variety Syrah which originated in the Rhône and dominates plantings in the valley's northern section. Though genetically identical, the stylistic dif
葡萄品种Grape : 西拉(Shiraz, Syrah) 产名Winery : BODEGAS CASA DE LA VINA 级别Level : Vino De La Tierra De Castilla 瓶(升)Bottle : 0.75 条形码 : 8436538821718 酒精度%Vol : 13% 陈酿木桶/瓶子个月 : no 产品号 : R.E. CLM-294/CR 产品重量Weight : 1.36 年份Vintage : 2019...
本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE 西拉(Syrah) 典型香气:黑李子、红李子、蓝莓、桑椹、紫罗兰、松露、甘草和胡椒等起源: 西拉(Syrah)起源于法国罗讷河谷(Rhone)北部,主要在埃米塔日(Hermitage)和罗第丘(Cote-Rotie)产区。西拉在文献中最初以“Sira de l’Hermitage”和“Serine”出现,“Syrah”一词就来源于“...
葡萄品种Grape : 西拉(Shiraz, Syrah) 产名Winery : BODEGAS CASA DE LA VINA 级别Level : Vino De La Tierra De Castilla 瓶(升)Bottle : 0.75 条形码 : 8436538821718 酒精度%Vol : 13% 陈酿木桶/瓶子个月 : no 产品号 : R.E. CLM-294/CR 产品重量Weight : 1.36 年份Vintage : 2019...
Syrah’s historyAround this grape variety and its origins have arisen many legends that have only recently found a scientific answer, although not an exhaustive one, in molecular biology.According to legend, in 1224, the nobleman Gaspard de Steinberg, returning from the Crusades, brought the ...
本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE 西拉(Syrah)典型香气:黑李子、红李子、蓝莓、桑椹、紫罗兰、松露、甘草和胡椒等起源: 西拉(Syrah)起源于法国罗讷河谷(Rhone)北部,主要在埃米塔日(Hermitage)和罗第丘(Cote-Rotie)产区。西拉在文献中最初以“Sira de l’Hermitage”和“Serine”出现,“Syrah”一词就来源于“Serine”...
However, during this time, theagricultural exploitation of the land continued, but the grape was always soldafter harvesting, there was no wine production. Eventually, after several phases, theplantation exceeded a million vines and at a cost of 125 million pesetas (inthe old currency). The ...
However, during this time, theagricultural exploitation of the land continued, but the grape was always soldafter harvesting, there was no wine production. Eventually, after several phases, theplantation exceeded a million vines and at a cost of 125 million pesetas (inthe old currency). The ...
any of various wines made from this grape“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of...