The meaning of SYNSACRUM is a solidly fused series of vertebrae in the pelvic region in birds, dinosaurs, and pterosaurs comprising usually the last rib-bearing or thoracic vertebra, the two sacral vertebrae, and a varying number of caudal vertebrae.
相似单词 synsacrum 综荐骨 最新单词 antebrachium的中文意思 n. 前臂 antebellum的中文意思 a. 战前的,南北战争前的 anteater的中文翻译及音标 n. 食蚁兽 ante-什么意思及同义词 在...之前 ante的中文翻译及音标 n. 1.(赌纸牌下的)赌注 2.已付的金额;分担额 3.预付款;成本;价格 v. [I,T] ...
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Cranially, the synsacrum articulates either with the notarium or with a free thoracic vertebra, forming an intervertebral joint that is potentially more vulnerable to traumatic displacement than the rest of the post-cervical vertebral column. Caudally, the synsacrum articulates with the 1st caudal...
synsacrum 生词本: 添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 英汉-汉英词典 AI解释 词组搭配 英语百科 英语维基词典 全文检索英汉-汉英词典 荐骨 用户正在搜索 fish finger, fish glue, fish hawk, fish ladder, fish meal, fish plate, fish pond, fish slice, fish stick, fish weir, 相似单词 synpodia, syn-...
1) Synsacrum 愈合荐骨 2) Fracture healing 骨折愈合 1. Correlation between the volume and the mechanical properties of pathological bony callus in fracture healing of denervated rats; 大鼠失神经骨折愈合中骨痂体积与生物力学强度的相关性分析
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The Synsacrum is constructed of pelvic bones, sacral, lumbar vertebrae and some thoracic vertebrae, and it takes the form of a thin sheet of bone which is curled downwards at the sides. This study is designed to assess the morphometric specialization of the lu...