The first steps toward official segregation came in the form of “Black Codes.” These were laws passed throughout the South startingaround 1865, that dictated most aspects of Black peoples' lives, including where they could work and live. ...
2Ionian Rebellion The Ionian people began to rebel against their Persian conquerors in 499 B.C. after Darius I came to power in Persia. The Ionian leader Aristagoras was unable to secure support for the rebellion from King Cleomenes in Sparta, but convinced the Athenians to support him agains...
5The Big Six At the beginning of England's foray into the business of making china, there were six towns in the Staffordshire area that grew famous for china production. These famous towns for china production were Tunstall, Longton, Hanley, Fenton, Burslem and Stoke-upon-Trent; in 1910 th...
most of the knowledge was destroyed. Every emperor of China who came in wiped out everything that came before them, to the point that the country completely forgot its past. —Steve Berry
inventions like the mechanical cotton picker that reduced the need for workers in agriculture. Although there were significant cultural clashes between these newcomers and the established communities they came to, the Great Migration gave African-Americans better economic opportunities and forged new ...
In the 1960s, the government began to expand its role, which was supported by the majority of Americans. However, people had a hard time agreeing on which federally funded programs should be expanded. When President Lyndon Johnson came to office following President John F. Kennedy's assassinatio...
came into direct armed conflict, it sparked several decades of battles in which the Soviet Union backed one side and the United States the other, called proxy battles. The first such battle came in Korea, beginning in 1950. The proxy battles of the Cold War defined American-Soviet relations ...
Confucius came into the world of thought at a time of social anarchy. The Chou Dynasty had recently collapsed and China was in a constant state of war and violence. During this era, destruction came from a lack of social harmony. In early China, custom and tradition provided a sense of ...