What are synonyms for personnel? Synonyms of personnel force, help, labor force, manpower, pool, staff, workforce. What is the example of manpower? The definition of manpower is the strength or force of a human, or the combined strength of a group of people. An example of manpower is...
Synonyms can be used to create an alternative name for any SQL Server object. 範例 複製 'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server. Dim srv As Server srv = New Server() 'Reference the AdventureWorks2008R2 database. Dim db As Database db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks2008R2"...
ForceTextModeOnTextBody Enforces text mode on the text body. (从 ScriptNameObjectBase 继承。) FormatSqlVariant (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。) GenerateDataSpaceFileStreamScript (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。) GenerateDataSpaceScript (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。) GetBindDefaultScript (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。) GetBi...
同义词的语法是:CREATE [OR REPLACE] [PUBLIC] SYNONYM [ schema.] 同义词名称 FOR [ schema.] object [ @dblink ];创建同义词的时候还需要赋值相关的权限:⾸先是:⽤sys账号给DM账号赋予CREATE SYNONYM的权限 GRANT CREATE SYNONYM TO user_temp;user_temp是你要建同义词的⽤户。这个时候你创建同义词...
grantselectontableAtouser_temp; 这样就可以在user_temp用户下创建同义词了 --Create the synonymcreateorreplacesynonym tableAforuser_res.tableA; 上面说的是再同一个数据库中,不同用户下创建同义词,当然同义词可以在不同的数据库之间创建,需要创建link。也可以创建私有同义词等等。下面是我记录大神详细整理的同...
What is it called when you are forced to leave your home? evict. verb. to legally force someone to leave the house they are living in, usually because they have not paid their rent. What a means not present? (grammar) Not of or pertaining to the present.A nonpresent tense. adjective....
IsObjectInSpaceVerifies whether the object is isolated or connected to the instance of SQL Server. (繼承自SqlSmoObject。) IsVersion80SP3(繼承自SqlSmoObject。) MarkDropped(繼承自SqlSmoObject。) MarkForDropImpl(繼承自SqlSmoObject。) MemberwiseClone(繼承自Object。) ...
FORapp.suppliers; Drop synonym After the synonym was created in Oracle, you will need to remove it at some point. drop synonym syntax in Oracle/PLSQL DROP [PUBLIC] SYNONYM [schema .] synonym_name [force]; PUBLIC– Allows you to remove the public synonym. If you specified a PUBLIC, you...
同义词的语法是:CREATE [OR REPLACE] [PUBLIC] SYNONYM [ schema.] 同义词名称 FOR [ schema.] object [ @dblink ]; 创建同义词的时候还需要赋值相关的权限: 首先是:用sys账号给DM账号赋予CREATE SYNONYM的权限 GRANT CREATE SYNONYM TO user_temp; ...