What is a synonym for thinker? What is an antonym for cliche? A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms is called What are synonyms for miscellaneous? What is another word for belief? What are antonyms of original? What is an antonym of principle? What word means almost the same as "paraphrase...
You're determined to have your own way because you have a strong belief that your view — what you have in your head — is the best one. Being a headstrong person is not always a bad thing. What is a headstrong person like? The definition of headstrong is someone who is stubborn, ...
What are antonyms for ecstatic? What is an antonym for afraid? What is the denotation of the word desperate? What is a synonym for insincere? What is a synonym for fruition? What are some synonyms for afraid? What is another word for belief? What is an antonym for exuberance? What is ...
In this page you can discover 55 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for supposed, like:assumed, presumed, presumptive, imagined, alleged, belief, divinatory, believed, premised, hypothetical and suppositional. What is another word for supposed to?
weimplyalessfavorablecrowdofpeople.Exercises:Choosethebestwordforeachsentence.1.The_oldmanrefusedtogotohospital.AfirmB.determinedCobstinate2.Theylivedavery_life,avoidingallluxuries.A.frugalB.stingyCmiserlyDniggardly3.Ileadapretty_life;nothinginterestingeverhappenstome.A.mundaneB.ordinaryC.common ...
I'm sincerely looking forward to this 'Spirit' portion of our #obfwellness series. It's intended to be a space for reflection and taking care of our 'self' with habits that cultivate the soul. So today we're kicking off with a topic I feel resonates on a
At week three there was significant deterioration for visual analogue scale (P=0.047) and mood (P=0.013) in the homoeopathic immunotherapy group compared with the placebo group. Any improvement in participants' asthma was independent of belief in complementary medicine.Homoeopathic immunotherapy...
into a political and economic power. Puritans kept diaries in which the focus was on the writer's spiritual journey. But often, special religious meaning or significance was found in everyday events. The appearance of a snake on one's property might suggest the presence of evil, for example...
Red is considered lucky in many aspects of Chinese culture, and this belief is reflected by the color’s inclusion in several customs. Red is often used for traditional weddings to symbolize the happiness and joyous times to come for the bride and groom. During Chinese New Year, some families...
Burning incense is an important ritual in all major Buddhist traditions, but the purpose and symbolism of incense are slightly different for each tradition. In Buddhism, incense acts as an offering to Buddhas, or enlightened ones, as well as a symbol for various aspects of Buddhist belief and ...