Complete the passage with the proper form of the words given in brackets; for other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,没有括号单词的请用最恰当的单词填入空格使语义完整,每空格限填一词。) Last month, we had a major sports 1 (compete) at our...
When meeting someone, the more eye contact, the better.真实This long-held belief is the inverseof the ide a that shifty-eyed people are4. inverse n.反面liars. The result is an unfortunate tendency for people making initial contact as in a job interview, for example - to stare fixedly ...
因为好的社会是完整的政治的善。”【1-2】(All political action aims at either perseveration or change. When desiring to preserve, we wish to prevent a change to the worse; when desiring to change, we wish to bring about something better. All political action is then guided by some thought ...
“In connection with resonance effects and the problem of transmission of energy over a single conductor, I would say a few words on a subject which constantly fills my thoughts, and which concerns the welfare of all. I mean the transmission of intelligible signals, or perhaps even power, to...
IholdthebeliefthatwestudentsshoulduseInternettobroadenourmindsandplaceour study,healthandsafetyaboveotherthings.Asforfriendship,Iprefertofinditinourclassmates andotherpeoplearoundus. 教材语料整合 [情感描写]gentleadj.温柔的;温和的;柔和的empathyn.同感,共鸣, 同情→empathizevi.有同感,产生共鸣sympathyn.同情;赞...
The process is based on the belief that when one fibs one’s body involuntarily expresses stress in the form of higher blood pressure, changes in pulse, breathing, and perspiration rate. Those things can be precisely monitored. Did you ever steal anything? No? That’s a lie — see here,...
The U.S. belief that it is the world hegemon, but, in reality, China is the world economic superpower and Russia is much more powerful militarily. While not admitting that this is the case, the U.S. is well aware that it no longer is the world hegemon. The trade wars, the “Russi...
11. In other words, there should be a clear boundary between religion and politics, reason and belief. 也就是说,在政治与宗教、理性与信仰之间,理应有一个明确清晰的界限,以宽容的精神将双方限制于各自的畛域之内,不得有所僭越。 12. 12. In other words, the development of opera in Shanxi Province...
Indeed I scarce ever heard or saw the introductory Words, Without Vanity I may say, &c. but some vain thing immediately follow'd. Most People dislike Vanity in others whatever Share they have of it themselves, but I give it fair Quarter wherever I meet with it, being persuaded that it ...
But with a series of recent findings, the belief that plants really do care for their most genetically close peers-in a quiet, planty way—is taking root. Some species control how far their roots spread, others change how many flowers they produce, and a few tilt (倾斜) or shift their ...