Note Station 協助您盡情書寫、檢視、管理和分享圖文並茂的筆記。您可以輕鬆建立 Rich Text 格式編輯的內容、內嵌媒體播放、加入附件檔案,以及更多功能。您也可以透過標籤並且將您的筆記建立於筆記本中加以管理。筆記寫好以後,Note Station 還能讓您輕而易舉透過社群網站
Note Station (包含 Synology Note Station Client) 所有Synology 行動裝置的應用程式 (不包含 LiveCam 及 VPN Plus) 限制 不支援連接到第三方應用程式 不支援部分須直接對應到 IP 位址或 DDNS 的服務及套件 因需較長的網路延遲時間,轉送的 QuickConnect 連線可能較連接埠轉送的連線慢 ...
Surveillance Station 9.0 lets you craft a personalised monitoring interface. It also expedites camera deployment while bolstering your security with cutting-edge AI functionalities. Synology considers it its most comprehensive and advanced surveillance suite yet. With streamlined scalability, you can ensure...
With no required hardware investment, rapid scalability, and easy to securely deploy to employee workstations around the world, C2 Backup augments business continuity strategies while hybrid work and bring-your-own-device trends persist. “The simplicity and scalability of our backup solutions enable ...
Synology DS420j 4槽式桌面NAS说明书 适用于家庭的经济实惠的数据管理解决方案 DS420j 是一款 4 槽式桌面 NAS ,专为实现家庭用户的数据备份和文件共享而设计。它支持各种网络协议、多个 RAID 配置和各种附加套件,可轻松实现跨平台文件同步以及在私有云上共享。DS420j 享有 Synology 的 2 年有限保修服务。2...
Additionally, the cameras feature an onboard SD Card slot that allow for edge recording functionality with a micro SD card in Surveillance station, as well as working with the Synology Surveillance C2 cloud service to greatly decrease the possibility and up-to-the-second recording loss of ...
QuickConnect allows client applications to connect to your Synology NAS via the Internet without setting up port forwarding rules. It can work with Synology-developed packages, such as Audio Station, Video Station, Download Station, Surveillance Station, Synology Photos, File Station, N...
Synology DiskStation DS1821+ 产品说明书 产品介绍 | DiskStation DS1821+ 亮点 • 加速性能 与前代产品相比,4K 随机读取 IOPS 提高了 177%,连续写入速度提高了 76%1• 尽可能提高性能 使用适用于 NVMe SSD 缓存的双内置 M.2 插槽,显著提高 HDD 阵列性能,且无需占用硬盘插槽• 轻松扩充 可通过...
Mod Note: You will be receiving automatic update notifications throughout April and May for different regions. Meanwhile, you can also manually update your DSM before the update notification pops up if you really want to stay on the bleeding edge of updates. For all users intending to update ...
Note Station Another unexpected surprise, though I have not explored it completely yet, the Synology includes an app called Note Station, which can sync (or at least download) from Evernote. I’ve been racking my brain for a while on a good way to backup my Evernote notes, with ideas ...