隨時隨地離線存取筆記有了Synology Note Station Client 桌面版或 DS note 行動版應用程式,即便您處於離線模式,也能正常編輯筆記。重新建立連線時,所有的編輯與修改記錄皆會自動同步。創意靈感,隨手記錄立即體驗隨取隨用的個人數位記事本,捕捉刹那間的靈感。馬上前往 App Store 和Google Play 下載Note Station 行動 ...
synology note station client启动项关闭流程 1打开金山毒霸, 点击【百宝箱】 2在百宝箱的系统辅助中, 点击【开机加速】 3开机扫描,完成扫描后 根据建议和自身需求选择 4加速完毕 5除了优化已有启动项 当程序创建启动项时 我们会及时给与提醒 使用毒霸开机加速功能有问题?联系我们...
Get offline access to any notes, anywhereTake notes even when you are offline with theSynology Note Station Clientfor desktop or DS note on your mobile. All edits are automatically synced when you get back online.
电脑端可以安装Synology Note Station Client,直接在群晖的官网就能安装,相比于其它的第三方Docker版的笔记应用,它在外网直接用QuickConnect就能登录,无需公网IP或者域名,使用更简单。 在Synology Note Station Client中,最左侧为菜单栏,中部为文档目录,右侧为主显示界面。在Note Station中可以对笔记进行排版,基本的文本格...
I'm using Note Station Client (Version: 2.2.0-524) and each time I launch it, I have to re-input the password. This happens on multiple machines and profiles. Would anyone have any idea as to why this happens? Responses (1-2) Sorted by Oldest ...
The DS Note desktop client has a non-configurable setting to save note content every 10 minutes. I have noticed that when this save happens the active note is deselected (keyboard entry cursor disappears) and must be reselected through a pointer click before any additional note entries can be...
The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository - Standardize formatting of manifests/s/Synology/NoteStationClient/2.2.…· oss-winget/winget-pkgs@dfcc0ef
With Synology Note Station, you can sync all the notes/to-do list right on your local computer. All the in-note attachments, images, and links are available...
Cloud Station Client Wordpress High Availability Manager 62.4 k messages Documents non lu sur mon DS224+ ParRay2Fes,il y a 7 heures Paquets par SynoCommunity.com http://www.synocommunity.com/ 7.7 k messages désinstaller "proprement" transmission pour résinstallation clean sur DS413 avec DSM ...