NumberList(sequence_sample) template = random.choice([ 'What is the {variable}\'th term of {sequence}?', ]) answer = sequence.sympy return example.Problem( question=example.question( context, template, variable=variable, sequence=sequence_sample), answer=answer) ...
variables : a list of sympy symbols in func errorVariables : list of sympy ymbols representing the error in each value of variables. must be the same length as variables func : a function containing your variables that you want the error of"""ErrorFunc =0# need to set function to start...
我正在尝试使用 Sympy 来解决 0 < x + y <= 4 in the case where both x and y are positive integers or 0, in the hopes to have it return a list of tuples that solves the inequality. import sympy as sp # Assign variables x, y = sp.symbols('x y', natural0 = True) # Define ...
fromList, _t, eqn = self._unrollTransitionList(self.ode_list)fori, eqninenumerate(eqn):iflen(fromList[i]) >1:raiseInputError("An explicit ode cannot describe more "+"than a single state")else: self._ode[fromList[i][0]] = eqnelse:raiseInputError("The total number of ode is %s ...
>>>fromsympyimportreduce_inequalities, symbols>>>x, y = symbols("x y")>>>reduce_inequalities([x + y >1, y >0], [x, y]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: inequality has more than one symbol of interest. ...
假设查询可能返回None的最后一个原因是,假设系统并未尝试非常努力地回答复杂的查询。该系统旨在快速运行,并使用简单的启发式方法在常见情况下得出True或False的答案。例如,任何正项的和都是正的,因此: >>>fromsympyimportsymbols>>>x, y = symbols('x, y', positive=True)>>>expr = x + y>>>expr ...
借助sympy.stats.GeneralizedMultivariateLogGammaOmega()方法,我们可以得到表示扩展的广义多元对数伽玛分布的连续联合随机变量。 Syntax : GeneralizedMultivariateLogGammaOmega(syms, omega, v, lambda, mu) Parameters : 1) Syms – list of symbols 2) Omega – a square matrix 3) V – positive real number 4...
自变量(Symbols) 函数表达式(Expr) 变量替换与赋值 精确求值 微分 积分 Taylor展开 一元展开 多元展开 查看展开项 极限 解方程 画图 sympy基础 安装 pip install sympy 1. 自变量(Symbols) 通过symbols方法将字符串声明为数学函数的变量,这些变量往往是函数的自变量。
# - piecewise combinations of the above # - systems of linear and polynomial equations # - systems containing relational expressions symbols:指定要求解的未知数;为Symbol/Symbol list-like #实例: >>> from import x,y,z >>> sympy.solve(x+y-z-2,[x,y]) ...