When spring arrives, the beauty of flowers can have a price to pay for our bodies. If you suffer from histamine intolerance, you may have more than just a stuffy nose. An actual histamine intolerance involves the amount of histamine in your digestive system and the foods you eat. Couple th...
Foods that include wheat (gluten), dairy products, and foods that usually cause gas can all cause IBS symptoms. Are IBS symptoms the same for people assigned female at birth (AFAB) and people assigned male at birth?Women or people AFAB are twice as likely to have IBS. Women/people AFAB ...
10 Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance - Waking Timesfeaturedglutenfreewheat gut
The 'nocebo effect' in IBS: Why gluten might not be the real problem Many people find that wheat or gluten cause them to react in some way: Some people have a wheat allergy, some have the autoimmune condition celiac disease, but the majority find they have some sort of intolerance or se...
Lactose intolerance can produce similar symptoms to a milk allergy and milk intolerance; the reaction of lactose intolerance can be delayed, similar to an IgG reaction. However, lactose intolerance is for life, similar to an allergy. Can you outgrow a dairy intolerance? Yes, it is possible to...
Food AllergiesThe prognosis depends on the type of food allergy. Most infants and children outgrow allergies to milk, eggs, soy, and wheat. Peanut, tree nut, fish, and shellfish allergies are more persistent and can last a person’s whole life in some cases. ...
Food intolerance is far more prevalent, occurs in a variety of diseases, and is triggered by several different mechanisms distinct from the immunological reaction responsible for food allergy. People who have food allergiesmust identify and prevent them because, although usually mild and not severe, ...
Eliminating common trigger foods can also be helpful for some thyroid patients.In one study, lactose restriction led to a significant decrease in TSH levels for thyroid patients with lactose intolerance [9]. Another study found that a gluten-free diet reduced the need for thyroid medication in pa...
Wheat The most common food intolerance islactose intolerance. It happens when people can’t digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy. Another kind of intolerance is being sensitive to sulfites or otherfood additives. Sulfites can triggerasthma attacksin some people. ...
Irritable bowelsyndrome is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by the presence of a cluster of symptoms and signs in adults or children that include cramping,abdominal pain, increasedgas, altered bowel habits, food intolerance, andbloating(distention). ...