Food allergy to wheat: differences in immu- noglobulin E-binding proteins as a function of age or symptoms. J Cereal Sci 2005;42:109--17.Battais F, Coucoux P, Popineau Y, Kanny G, Moneret-Vautrin DA, Denery-Papini S. Food allergy to wheat: differences in immunoglobulin E-binding ...
The clinical diagnosis of allergy to cereals, because of their nutritional importance, should always be verified by double-blind placebo-controlled food challenged. Long term prognosis is quite favourable and the therapy is based essentially on their elimination, and on the treatment of symptoms in ...
The evaluation of food allergy to egg white and yolk, peanuts, soy, cow milk and wheat in patients suffering from atopic dermatitis. Two hundred forty patients (70 men, 170 women) were examined. Complete dermatological and allergological examination was performed in all patients, including ...
Wheat allergy results when the body produces an allergic reaction to gluten or another component of wheat. The allergic sequence is similar to other allergies, with the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils, triggered by immunoglobulin E (IgE) cross-linking. Symptoms of wheat allergy ...
introducing wheat before 6 months is really a fool-proof method of minimizing food allergies. Several babies may have allergic attack with wheat and hence, parents ought to be on the lookout for allergy symptoms in the beginning.Here are a few of the health advantages of introducing wheat for...
The term “non-celiac gluten sensitivity” suggested for describing individuals who complain symptoms in response to ingestion of wheat without histologic or serologic evidence of celiac disease or wheat allergy, is a misnomer since a role for gluten proteins as the sole trigger of the associated ...
In contrast with food allergy, food intolerance does not involve the immune system. The exact mechanism of food intolerance is unclear in some cases, such as intolerance to wheat (6). Unlike food allergy, the symptoms of food intolerance tend to occur after a longer ...
These are the symptoms of a condition called 'orthorexia' by dieticians. It is, apparently, on the increase -- particularly in professional women in their 30s. Orthorexia was coined in 1997 by Californian doctor Steven Bratman in his book Health Food Junkies, and means 'correct appetite' (...
The clinical diagnosis of allergy to cereals, because of their nutritional importance, should always be verified by double-blind placebo-controlled food challenged. Long term prognosis is quite favourable and the therapy is based essentially on their elimination, and on the treatment of symptoms in ...
Their symptoms of allergy to facial soap resembled prodromal symptoms that develop following the combination of wheat ingestion and exercise. A significantly higher IgE reactivity to HWP than to natural wheat protein was observed in these patients. Inhibition analyses of their sera showed that IgE ...