Aflatoxin mycotoxins are toxic to humans and even more toxic to animals. They also cause cancer in humans and animals. It is believed that eating vegetables like carrots and celery reduces the carcinogenic effects of aflatoxins. The aflatoxin LD50 rate (the dosage level that causes 50% of a gr...
Aflatoxins are considered the most notable mycotoxins because of their effect on human and animal health, wide occurrence, and impact on food security and global trade. They cause a wide range of adverse health effects and are dynamic carcinogens (causes cancer), hepatotoxins (causes liver damage...
Exposure to moldy environments can cause hazardous health effects. Read more to know about the symptoms of mold exposure and its adverse health effects.
Neurotoxins, for example, specifically impact your nervous system, whereas cytotoxins target individual cells. The two most commonly seen biotoxins I see impacting my patients are tick-borne biotoxins, such asBorrelia Burgdorferiwhich causes Lyme disease, and mold biotoxins calledmycotoxinswhich cause mold...
J&G Biotech Ltd and its corporates are engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of in vitro diagnostic products for companion animals, livestock, as well as rapid screening food safety test kits for veterinary drug residues, mycotoxins, and food-borne pathogens. The companion animal r...
brucellosis, Q fever, smallpox, monkeypox, arboviral encephalitides, viral hemorrhagic fevers (like Marburg and Ebola virus), staphylococcoal enterotoxin B, ricin, botulinum toxin, mycotoxins, glanders, typhus, and anti-crop biological agents....
There are about 16 mold species which are toxic to humans. These molds put out highly toxic chemicals called mycotoxins. Mycotoxins cause toxic symptoms which are much worse than the allergic symptoms caused by ordinary molds. Some of the symptoms caused by toxic molds include bleeding, damage to...
For example, the "black mold" Stachybotrys, along with some other types of mold, produces toxins known as mycotoxins that can irritate the skin and airways in susceptible individuals. Sometimes, people may develop severe reactions to mold exposure. Symptoms of severe reactions, which are uncommon,...
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Vol. 82. IARC; Lyon, France: 2002. Traditional herbal medicines, some mycotoxins, naphthalene, and styrene. Konar, N. R., H. K. Roy, and M. N. De.NAPHTHALENE POISONING[...
Most cases of foodborne illness are caused by agents such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Other agents include mycotoxins (fungal toxins), marine biotoxins, and the toxins occurring in poisonous mushrooms; metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which may contaminate food through air, ...