The brain is a soft and pliable structure that is almost jelly-like in feel and is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contained between layers of meninges, thin layers of tissue that cover the brain. There are three layers of meninges: 1) the pia mater, 2) the arachnoid mater, and ...
Any sign of basal skull fracture [blood behind the eardrum, "raccoon eyes" orbruisingaround the eyes, cerebrospinal fluid leaking from the nose or ears, or Battle's sign (bruising behind the ear)] More than two episodes ofvomiting, age >65 years Medium risk of brain injury on CT: Amnesia...
You feel wetness or a leaking of fluid that's different from normal vaginal discharge or urinary leakage; you may have ruptured membranes or leaking of amniotic fluid. Pregnancy Breast Changes Most pregnant women will feel some changes in their breasts. Your breasts will get bigger as your milk...
Yellow, clear fluid or pus leaking from the area Get medical help for any of these more serious symptoms: High fever (100.4 F or higher) Nausea and vomiting Shaking chills (rigors) Growing or hardening of the reddened area Increased pain ...
The common symptoms and signs of cellulitis are as follows: Redness of the skin or redrash Red streaking of the skin or broad areas of redness Swollen skin Warm skin Skin pain or tenderness Drainage or leaking of yellow clear fluid or pus from the skin; large blistersmay occur ...
If your water breaks or you'releaking amniotic fluidand you're not yet in labor, it means you have pre-labor rupture of membranes (PROM). If your water breaks before 37 weeks, it's called preterm pre-labor rupture of membranes (PPROM), and it means you may deliver your baby prematurel...
The purpose of the head, including the skull and face, is to protect the brain against injury. In addition to the bony protection, the brain is covered in tough fibrous layers called meninges and bathed in fluid that may provide a littleshockabsorption. ...
Aortic regurgitation is the leaking of the aortic valve of the heart that causes blood to flow in the reverse direction during ventricular diastole, from the aorta into the left ventricle. Symptoms of aortic regurgitation include fatigue or weakness, shortness of breath, chest pain, pal...
This leads to a fluid increase in a pregnant woman’s bladder, causing frequent urination. (1) Tip To Lessen Discomfort: Plan your bathroom trips ahead of time to avoid incontinence or leaking urine. 5. Tender Breasts. Breast changes like tingling, swelling, and aching often occur around 4-...
Her brain was literally molding away. Scary thought! I think mold should never be handled as if it’s nothing. It CAN definately cause harm and should be taken care off in any case. The house I live in has mold aswell in some of the bedrooms. The first reaction from my landlady is ...