If you're leaking amniotic fluid before 37 weeks, it's called preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), and it may mean your baby will need to be delivered prematurely due to the increased risk of infection. Advertisement | page continues below Regardless of contractions, if you're gr...
Fluid leakingfrom yourvagina Flu-like symptomssuch asnausea,vomiting, or diarrhea. Call your doctor even about mild cases. If you can’t tolerate liquids for more than 8 hours, you must see your doctor. Increased pressurein your pelvis orvagina ...
Intracranial bleedingfrom trauma or a leakinganeurysmoften causes pain, but may also result in symptoms of altered mental function. Subarachnoid bleeding often causesheadacheand a stiff neck (meningismus). Neurological examination can range from a near-normal exam to confusion tocoma. Symptoms ofstroke...
When your kidneys can’t get rid ofsodiumwell, fluids build up in your body. That may lead to puffy hands,feet, ankles, legs, or a puffy face. You might notice swelling especially in your feet and ankles. And protein leaking out in your urine can show up as puffiness around youreyes...
The purpose of the head, including the skull and face, is to protect the brain against injury. In addition to the bony protection, the brain is covered in tough fibrous layers called meninges and bathed in fluid that may provide a littleshockabsorption. ...
It's common to have mood swings during pregnancy, partly because of hormonal changes that affect neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain). Everyone responds differently to these changes. Some moms-to-be experience heightened emotions, both good and bad, while others feel more depressed ...
There are many different types of dementia, and how it manifests depends on which part of the brain is damaged. Here’s what we do and don’t know.
Gush or trickle of fluid from your vagina (before the end of 37 weeks of pregnancy).Premature rupture of membranes, also known as your “water breaking,” can show up as a trickle, as steady leaking, or as a gush of fluid from your vagina before your pregnancy is full term. Call your...
If you think that one of your packets you have swallowed or stuffed in a body orifice (vagina, rectum) is leaking or has broken How Is Cocaine Abuse Tested and Diagnosed? Often, the final diagnosis of someone who is abusing cocaine is not made by emergency department evaluation and may req...
puffiness around the eyes may be caused by the kidneys leaking large amounts of protein in the urine when it should be storing it in the body. A decrease in kidney function will result in the retention of sodium in the body, and this will lead to swelling of your lower extremities. Your...