Answer to: What type of symbiotic relationship is found between a pencil sea urchin and tubeworm? (a) Mutualistic (b) Parasitic (c) Commensal. By...
Host switching promotes diversity in host-specialized mycoparasitic fungi: uncoupled evolution in the Biatoropsis-Usnea system. Evolution 68, 1576–1593 (2014). 14. de Vienne, D. M. et al. Cospeciation vs host-shift speciation: methods for testing, evidence from natural associations and ...
Another enriched process in the Endozoicomonas genomes was transposition (mostly DNA-mediated) and DNA recombination, which may help the species to rapidly adapt to a new host or to opportunistically transi- tion between symbiotic lifestyles (mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic). A recently ...
relationshipstosurvive.Someparasiticwaspsofcaterpillars possessobligatemutualisticvirusescalled“polydnaviruses.”Along witheggs,waspsinjectpolydnavirusinsidetheircaterpillarhosts wherethehatchinglarvaedevelopinsidethecaterpillar.Polydna- virusessuppresstheimmunesystemsoftheircaterpillarhosts, ...
Considering the likely role of the TmelESTs in mycorrhiza formation, with a delicate balance between root invasion and the establishment of a mutualistic interaction with the plant host, one could speculate that selection of thermophilic enzymes with a highly stable structure, may be instrumental to...
Interestingly, it was shown that CLE1 is involved in haustorium formation of parasitic Phtheirospermum japonicum [191]. This peptide belongs to group 3A in the CLE family, being essential for AON regulation in legumes [191]. NCR peptides, previously considered to be specific to legumes in the...