Cracks around heterogeneities in solids : a symbiotic o r parasitic relationship [ J ] . Com p ut ational M ateri als S cience , 1994 ,3 :1862198.M LLER W H.Cracks around heterogeneities insolids:a symbiotic or parasitic relationship. Computational Materials Science . 1994...
Our data demonstrates that the relationship betweenCa. Nha. antarcticus andHrr. lacusprofundiis parasitic, with interactions between the two organisms leading to lysis of a large proportion of host cells. This likely explains why co-cultures of the two organisms cannot be stably maintained1. Several...
Symbiotic Relationship:Organisms exist in many different types of relationships to one another. The three main types of symbiotic relationships are commensalism, mutualism and parasitism.Answer and Explanation: Become a member and unlock all Study Answers...
stimulation of genes encoding the synthesis of sugartransporter proteins, and hence to an increase in the flow of nutrients to the infected areas (Cao et al., 2016). The relationship between the production of cytokinins by the fungusF. pseudograminearumand nitrogen nutrition has been established ...
This is consistent with their retention in pathogens, but not in free-living diplomonads. The retention of several copies of tenascins inHexamitaSM might be suggestive of the nature of the organism’s relationship with its potential host. To better understand the distribution of these virulence ...
Many uropodine mites have established close symbiotic associations with social insects, especially ants11,12, although the intimacy of the relationship with their hosts and the exact nature of their feeding habits are still largely unknown. In most cases, they have been considered as scav- engers...
This copepod formed ochre-coloured patches on the skin with no positive precursor relationship with barnacles or algae. Badillo et al. (2007) explored the possibility of parasitism of wormlike copepods on whales, sea turtles, and manatees in detail and believed that they ate keratin. They ...
Phylogenetic relationship ofO. unilateralis s.l.with other ascomycetous fungi. Phylogenetic reconstruction ofOphiocordyceps unilateralisand an outgroup of Ascomycota. The order Hypocreales is highlighted in grey. The tree was rooted onCandida albicansand this branch is not drawn to scale. Bootstrap valu...
3428Accesses 27Altmetric Metrics Abstract Positive and negative aspects of species interactions can be context dependant and strongly affected by environmental conditions. We tested the hypothesis that, during periods of intense heat stress, parasitic phototrophic endoliths that fatally degrade mollusc shells...
S4. Fig. 4 also shows a closer relationship between P. brassicae and S. subterranea than between P. betae and P. brassicae, further illustrated by the maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree (Fig. 4C). It should be noted that 767, 870, 3178 and 2564 proteins have been classified as ...