Ahmadjian V (1977) Qualitative requirements and utilization of nutrients: lichens. In: Rechcigl M Jr (ed) CRC handbook series in nutrition and food, Sec D/Vol 1. CRC Press, Cleveland, pp 203–215 Google Scholar Ahmadjian V (1982) Algal/fungal symbioses. In: Round F, Chapman DJ (eds)...
A high-quality genome of the extracellular bacterial symbiont ofC. bisecta(hereafter SCbi) with a 92.85% completeness was recovered through a binning pipeline. The assembly consists of three single-copy rRNAs and 31 tRNAs (Additional file1: Table S2). The 16S rDNA sequences and the GTDB (Gen...
Fertilization is a common farming practice in which organic and inorganic fertilizers are used primarily to improve plant nutrition and crop productivity. However, long-term nitrogen (N) fertilization alters the community and diversity of soil microorganisms and plant endophytes. Nitrogen inputs inhibits...
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