'subsindex' is not defined for values of class 'sym'错function [Bi,Bj,Bm,Bn,Be,Si,Sj,Sm,Sn,Se]=Flelementleofunction %求应变矩阵Be和应力矩阵Sesyms EBSU EG format longE=3.0e11; % 弹性模量NU=0.3; % 分享回复赞 matlab吧 柴米酱油 求解sym函数为何用不了了为什么我的Matlab sym函数用不了?
For example, syms a [1 3] creates the row vector a = [a1 a2 a3] and the symbolic variables a1, a2, and a3 in the MATLAB workspace. Alternative Functionality Alternative Approaches for Creating Symbolic Variables To create several symbolic variables in one function call, use syms. Using ...
问题的根源在于,被积函数表达式里面含有符号变量(sym),而quad函数是采用数值方法计算积分,根本不适用于含有符号变量的场合。可以尝试用计算符号积分的 int 函数来求:syms D R rsyms xdf=(r.^2*acos((r-(D-(R-sqrt(R.^2-x.^2)))./r)-(r-(D-(R-sqrt(R.^2-x.^2))).*sqrt(r...
Input the statements a=1 and x=sym('a') in MATLAB, and the correct one among the following statement is ( ). A. x is a symbolic constant. B. x is a symbolic variable. C. x is a numerical variable. D. There is an error in the definition of x. ...
syms a real min(a,a+1)这样运行出来的错误也和你一样,这充分说明了min函数的参数只能是具体的数值,而不能使代数表达式。
Meijer G function 1 답변 Optimization of multiple variables 1 답변 how to get precise conversion in matlab? 1 답변 전체 웹사이트 latexcmd File Exchange CUBIC INTERPOLATION METHOD File Exchange Confluent hypergeometric function (Kummer function) ...
Syntax of Matlab sym() Syntax of matlab sym() is given: below: Note: In the case of multidimensional arrays, sym() function generates automatically generated elements, having the prefix followed by the index for the element being added with ‘ _’ as a delimiter. ...
f=ft.*ff.*fx; fun=matlabFunction(f); j2=integral(fun,-10.6855,50) j2=abs(double(j2)) 0 Comments Sign in to comment.More Answers (0) Sign in to answer this question.Categories MATLAB 数学 Find more on 数学 in Help Center and File Exchange Tags...
function eq=testt(OT)omega=OT(1);T=OT(2);f=3.125;w=8.2;% syms omega;gp=(((100*(...