MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hi, I have a 3 equation 3 variable system which I can solve in cmd window using this code: 테마복사 v1=10; v2=5; v3=4*I1; r1=6; r2=20; r3=15; r4=6; r5=10; rl=8; eqn = [0==v1-(r1*I1)-(r2*I2),0==(r2*I2)-(r3*(I1-I...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 For example, there is a function F(x) which has F(0) = 0 and F'(0) = 1. I want to calculate the value of the derivative G'(0) of G(x) = 1/F(x) (this is the example), how do I write the code?
I would like to substitute terms "Lp * Cps * ws^2" as "Kp" in the following B0. How could that be done? syms Vpo Von Dp Dn ws Lp Cps Ll Lm Vsecm Isec_real Isec_imag Isec_abs Thetasec Ix_real Ix_imag Ix_abs Kp Kl Km real Kp = Lp * Cps * ws^2; B0 = Cps^2...
Unable to convert expression containing symbolic variables into double array. Apply 'subs' function first to substitute values for variables.' keeps coming, though I tried any variation of assumptions and substitutions. symsphi R; vf=fz/dpi*Z_total*N; ...
Open in MATLAB Online hadi, you need to define x as a symbolic variable ThemeCopy syms x y f = @(x,y) x^2 + y; f = sym(f); out = subs(f,x,2) out = y + 4 1 Comment hadi on 17 Mar 2015 Thank you so much I really appreciate your help. Sign in to comment.More...
h is to store it as a string with LaTeX formatting and use it with the LaTeX interpreter.Unfortunately
The point is that variables/parameters inside a string cannot be "evaluated". But as the example suggests you can use the command CHAR to convert a symbolic expression to a character string and use the brackets to concatenate strings appropriately.I...
Hey, I have this equation to find a solution: I defined this equation: eqn = ((Sig) + (E*(Sig^(const_1))/const_2) - aux == 0) And the solve I am using this function: resp = solve(eqn, Sig) But in Command Windows appears this message:Warning: Solutions are parameterized by ...
Open in MATLAB Online Why symbolic variables; why not simple variables? It's generally an indication of a lack of structure in an algorithm to have so many sequentially-numbered variable names rather than using an array. What's the actual problem to be solved; can it not be ...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: The below code was developed to specifically search for a small constant multiplied by something %create some demonstration data symsnu M = exp(randn(2,2) - 12) * nu + randn(2,2); disp(char(vpa(M, 10))) ...