Yes, the agarose can be prepared directly in the SYBR Safe DNA gel stain (it may be heated in microwave). Run the gel normally, no destaining is required. *Note: SYBR Safe DNA gel stain is prepared 0.5X TBE buffer. Use this preparation directly when making up a gel. Gels that includ...
SYBR Safe DNA Stain 指南说明书 Agarose gel electrophoresis is used to separate mixtures of DNA fragments into discrete bands according to their size. However, since DNA is clear and colorless, the bands cannot be seen with the naked eye. SYBR Safe® is a fluorescent DNA stain that binds...
SYBR™ Safe stain can be mixed into an agarose gel for staining during electrophoresis or the gel can be incubated in a solution of SYBR™ Safe stain following electrophoresis. SYBR™ Safe stain can be stored at room temperature in its original packaging to avoid excessive light exposure. ...
SYBR Safe DNA 凝胶染色剂专门开发用于降低致突变性–,比用溴化乙锭在琼脂糖或丙烯酰胺凝胶中对 DNA 进行染色更安全。SYBR Safe 染料不仅比溴化乙锭具有更低的致突变性,而且 SYBR Safe 染料的检测灵敏度比溴化乙锭更高。SYBR Safe 染料作为一种预混合溶液,可以像溴化乙锭溶液一样使用,既可以在电泳过程中在凝胶中使用...
SYBR® Safe stain is supplied as a 10,000X concentrate in DMSO which can be used just like a solution of ethidium bromide. SYBR® Safe stain can be mixed into an agarose gel for staining during electrophoresis or the gel can be incubated in a solution of SYBR® Safe stain following...
For larger gels, increase volumes proportionally, ensuring that the entire gel is fully immersed during staining. What is the lower limit of detection of SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain? SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain yields the same sensitivity as ethidium bromide—roughly 500 ...
SYBR Safe stain is supplied as a 10,000X concentrate in DMSO which can be used just like a solution of ethidium bromide. SYBR Safe stain can be mixed into an agarose gel for staining during electrophoresis or the gel can be incubated in a solution of SYBR Safe stain following electrophoresi...
SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain (10,000× in DMSO) 核酸凝胶染料 500µl 发表在 金畔生物 | 标签为 green、nucleic、sybr SYBR Green I Nucleic Acid Stain (PCR Grade, 10,000×) 发表于2024年4月16日由上海金畔生物科技有限公司 SYBR Green I;Evagreen;GelRed;DuRed;GelGreen;溴化乙锭(EB);qPCR; SYBR...
SYBR safe™, a fluorescent nucleic acid stain, was evaluated as a replacement for ethidium bromide (EtBr) in cesium chloride (CsCl) density gradients for DNA stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) assays. The separation of 12C- and 13C-labelled DNA using SYBR safe™ gave similar results to tho...
7-AAD细胞活力染色液 核酸染料 Viability Staining Solution 细胞 染色 翌圣生物科技(上海)股份有限公司 1年 查看详情 ¥120.00 福建福州 Biosharp 水溶液 SuperRed/GelRed核酸染料 白鲨易实验耗材 白鲨 福州奥研实验器材有限责任公司 5年 查看详情 面议 陕西西安 AAT Bioquest品牌荧光探针Gelite Safe核酸...